The emergence of social enterprise C Borzaga, J Defourny Psychology Press, 2004 | 2857* | 2004 |
Worker motivations, job satisfaction, and loyalty in public and nonprofit social services C Borzaga, E Tortia Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 35 (2), 225-248, 2006 | 822 | 2006 |
Social enterprise: An international overview of its conceptual evolution and legal implementation G Galera, C Borzaga Social enterprise journal 5 (3), 210-228, 2009 | 774 | 2009 |
Social enterprises as incentive structures: an economic analysis A. BAC CHIEGA AND C. BORZ AG A: An economic analysis A Bacchiega, C Borzaga The emergence of social enterprise, 285-307, 2001 | 281 | 2001 |
What to make of social innovation? Towards a framework for policy development C Borzaga, R Bodini Social Policy and Society 13 (3), 411-421, 2014 | 253 | 2014 |
Rural finance and agricultural technology adoption in Ethiopia: does the institutional design of lending organizations matter? GT Abate, S Rashid, C Borzaga, K Getnet World Development 84, 235-253, 2016 | 238 | 2016 |
Conclusions. Social enterprises in Europe: A diversity of initiatives and prospects C Borzaga, J Defourny Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2001 | 220 | 2001 |
L'economia della solidarietà. Storia e prospettive della cooperazione sociale C Borzaga, A Ianes Donzelli, 2006 | 209 | 2006 |
Interpersonal relations and job satisfaction: Some empirical results in social and community care services C Borzaga, S Depedri Economics and social interaction: Accounting for interpersonal relations …, 2005 | 202 | 2005 |
Italy: from traditional co-operatives to innovative social enterprises C. BORZ AG A AND A. SANT UA RI: From traditional co-operatives to innovative social enterprises C Borzaga, A Santuari The emergence of social enterprise, 178-193, 2001 | 195 | 2001 |
Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe C Borzaga, G Galera, B Franchini, S Chiomento, R Nogales, C Carini Comparative synthesis report, 2020 | 184 | 2020 |
Trends and challenges for co-operatives and social enterprises in developed and transition countries C Borzaga, R Spear Edizioni 31, 2004 | 179 | 2004 |
The economics of the third sector: Toward a more comprehensive approach A Bacchiega, C Borzaga The study of the nonprofit enterprise: Theories and approaches, 27-48, 2003 | 178* | 2003 |
Social enterprise: a new model for poverty reduction and employment generation C Borzaga, G Galera, R Nogales Bratislava: United Nations Development Programme, 2008 | 167 | 2008 |
The Multi-Stakeholders Versus the Nonprofit Organisation C Borzaga, L Mittone Department of Economics, University of Trento, Italia Department of …, 1997 | 165 | 1997 |
Social and solidarity economy and the future of work C Borzaga, G Salvatori, R Bodini Journal of Entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies 5 (1), 37-57, 2019 | 160 | 2019 |
The emergence of social enterprise C Borzaga Italy University of Trento, University of Leige, 2001 | 156 | 2001 |
New trends in the non-profit sector in Europe: The emergence of social entrepreneurship C Borzaga, A Santuari The non-profit sector in a changing economy, 31-59, 2003 | 139 | 2003 |
Interpreting social enterprises C Borzaga, S Depedri, G Galera Revista de Administração 47 (3), 398-409, 2012 | 130 | 2012 |
Social Economy Organisation in the Theory of the Firm EC Tortia, C Borzaga The social economy. Building inclusive communities, 23-60, 2007 | 125 | 2007 |