Richard Lance
Richard Lance
Environmental Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Потвърден имейл адрес: usace.army.mil
Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species
CS Goldberg, CR Turner, K Deiner, KE Klymus, PF Thomsen, MA Murphy, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 7 (11), 1299-1307, 2016
Reporting the limits of detection and quantification for environmental DNA assays
KE Klymus, CM Merkes, MJ Allison, CS Goldberg, CC Helbing, ME Hunter, ...
Environmental DNA 2 (3), 271-282, 2020
Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carps
RF Lance, KE Klymus, CA Richter, X Guan, HL Farrington, MR Carr, ...
Management of Biological Invasion 8 (3), 343–359, 2017
Habitat fragmentation and genetic diversity of an endangered, migratory songbird, the golden‐cheeked warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia)
DL Lindsay, KR Barr, RF Lance, SA Tweddale, TJ Hayden, PL Leberg
Molecular Ecology 17 (9), 2122-2133, 2008
Modeling the sensitivity of field surveys for detection of environmental DNA (eDNA)
MT Schultz, RF Lance
PloS one 10 (10), e0141503, 2015
Mitochondrial genome sequencing and development of genetic markers for the detection of DNA of invasive bighead and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and H. molitrix) in …
HL Farrington, CE Edwards, X Guan, MR Carr, K Baerwaldt, RF Lance
PLoS One 10 (2), e0117803, 2015
Day-Roost Selection by Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bats (Corynorhinus Rafinesquii) in Louisiana Forests
RF Lance, BT Hardcastle, A Talley, PL Leberg
Journal of Mammalogy 82 (1), 166-172, 2001
Improving efficiency and reliability of environmental DNA analysis for silver carp
JJ Amberg, SG McCalla, E Monroe, R Lance, K Baerwaldt, MP Gaikowski
Journal of Great Lakes Research 41 (2), 367-373, 2015
Variation in inhibitor effects on qPCR assays and implications for eDNA surveys
RF Lance, X Guan
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (1), 23-33, 2020
Population structure in an endangered songbird: maintenance of genetic differentiation despite high vagility and significant population recovery
KR Barr, DL Lindsay, G Athrey, RF Lance, TJ Hayden, SA Tweddale, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (16), 3628-3639, 2008
Classification bias in discriminant function analyses used to evaluate putatively different taxa
RF Lance, ML Kennedy, PL Leberg
Journal of Mammalogy 81 (1), 245-249, 2000
Strategic considerations for invasive species managers in the utilization of environmental DNA (eDNA): steps for incorporating this powerful surveillance tool
J Morisette, S Burgiel, K Brantley, WM Daniel, J Darling, J Davis, ...
Management of biological invasions: international journal of applied …, 2021
Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species. Methods Ecol Evol 7: 1299–1307
CS Goldberg, CR Turner, K Deiner, KE Klymus, PF Thomsen, MA Murphy, ...
Lack of development of pollutant-resistance or genetic differentiation in darter gobies (Gobionellus boleosoma) inhabiting a produced-water discharge site
PL Klerks, PL Leberg, RF Lance, DJ McMillin, JC Means
Marine Environmental Research 44 (4), 377-395, 1997
Birds in space and time: genetic changes accompanying anthropogenic habitat fragmentation in the endangered black‐capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla)
G Athrey, KR Barr, RF Lance, PL Leberg
Evolutionary applications 5 (6), 540-552, 2012
Multifaceted DNA metabarcoding: Validation of a noninvasive, next‐generation approach to studying bat populations
JF Swift, RF Lance, X Guan, ER Britzke, DL Lindsay, CE Edwards
Evolutionary Applications 11 (7), 1120-1138, 2018
Generic qPCR limit of detection (LOD)/limit of quantification (LOQ) calculator. R Script
CM Merkes, KE Klymus, MJ Allison, C Goldberg, CC Helbing, ME Hunter, ...
US Geological Survey code release, 2019
Parallel, targeted analysis of environmental samples via high‐throughput quantitative PCR
TM Wilcox, KS McKelvey, MK Young, C Engkjer, RF Lance, A Lahr, ...
Environmental DNA 2 (4), 544-553, 2020
Genetic detection of freshwater harmful algal blooms: A review focused on the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) in Microcystis aeruginosa and Prymnesium parvum
SM Feist, RF Lance
Harmful Algae 110, 102124, 2021
Environmental DNA (eDNA) assays for invasive populations of black carp in North America
X Guan, EM Monroe, KD Bockrath, EL Mize, CB Rees, DL Lindsay, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148 (6), 1043-1055, 2019
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