Xianzhong Chen
Xianzhong Chen
Associate professor, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University
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Three-dimensional optical holography using a plasmonic metasurface
L Huang, X Chen, H Mühlenbernd, H Zhang, S Chen, B Bai, Q Tan, G Jin, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2808, 2013
Dual-polarity plasmonic metalens for visible light
X Chen, L Huang, H Mühlenbernd, G Li, B Bai, Q Tan, G Jin, CW Qiu, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 1198, 2012
Dispersionless phase discontinuities for controlling light propagation
L Huang, X Chen, H Muhlenbernd, G Li, B Bai, Q Tan, G Jin, T Zentgraf, ...
Nano letters 12 (11), 5750-5755, 2012
Helicity multiplexed broadband metasurface holograms
D Wen, F Yue, G Li, G Zheng, K Chan, S Chen, M Chen, KF Li, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8241, 2015
Helicity dependent directional surface plasmon polariton excitation using a metasurface with interfacial phase discontinuity
TZSZ Lingling Huang, Xianzhong Chen, Benfeng Bai, Qiaofeng Tan, Guofan Jin
Light: Science & Applications 2 (e70), 2013
Macroscopic invisibility cloaking of visible light
X Chen, Y Luo, J Zhang, K Jiang, JB Pendry, S Zhang
Nature communications 2 (1), 176, 2011
Vector vortex beam generation with a single plasmonic metasurface
F Yue, D Wen, J Xin, BD Gerardot, J Li, X Chen
ACS photonics 3 (9), 1558-1563, 2016
Polarization encoded color image embedded in a dielectric metasurface
X Zang, F Dong, F Yue, C Zhang, L Xu, Z Song, M Chen, PY Chen, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (21), 1707499, 2018
Longitudinal multifoci metalens for circularly polarized light
X Chen, M Chen, MQ Mehmood, D Wen, F Yue, CW Qiu, S Zhang
Advanced Optical Materials, 2015
Multichannel polarization-controllable superpositions of orbital angular momentum states
F Yue, D Wen, C Zhang, BD Geradot, W Wang, S Zhang, X Chen
Advanced Materials, 2017
A multi‐foci metalens with polarization‐rotated focal points
X Zang, H Ding, Y Intaravanne, L Chen, Y Peng, J Xie, Q Ke, AV Balakin, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 13 (12), 1900182, 2019
High-resolution grayscale image hidden in a laser beam
F Yue, C Zhang, XF Zang, D Wen, BD Gerardot, S Zhang, X Chen
Light: Science & Applications 7 (1), 17129-17129, 2018
Metasurface for characterization of the polarization state of light
D Wen, F Yue, S Kumar, Y Ma, M Chen, X Ren, PE Kremer, BD Gerardot, ...
Optics express 23 (8), 10272-10281, 2015
Recent advances in optical metasurfaces for polarization detection and engineered polarization profiles
Y Intaravanne, X Chen
Nanophotonics 9 (5), 1003-1014, 2020
Optical metasurfaces for generating and manipulating optical vortex beams
H Ahmed, H Kim, Y Zhang, Y Intaravanne, J Jang, J Rho, S Chen, X Chen
Nanophotonics 11 (5), 941-956, 2022
Metasurface device with helicity‐dependent functionality
D Wen, S Chen, F Yue, K Chan, M Chen, M Ardron, KF Li, PWH Wong, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 4 (2), 321-327, 2016
Multifunctional light sword metasurface lens
Z Zhang, D Wen, C Zhang, M Chen, W Wang, S Chen, X Chen
ACS photonics 5 (5), 1794-1799, 2018
Multichannel metasurface for simultaneous control of holograms and twisted light beams
C Zhang, F Yue, D Wen, M Chen, Z Zhang, W Wang, X Chen
ACS Photonics 4 (8), 1906-1912, 2017
Compact multi-foci metalens spectrometer
R Wang, MA Ansari, H Ahmed, Y Li, W Cai, Y Liu, S Li, J Liu, L Li, X Chen
Light: Science & Applications 12 (1), 103, 2023
Reversible three‐dimensional focusing of visible light with ultrathin plasmonic flat lens
X Chen, L Huang, H Mühlenbernd, G Li, B Bai, Q Tan, G Jin, CW Qiu, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 1 (7), 517-521, 2013
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