Mats Göthelid
Mats Göthelid
Light and Matter Physics, KTH
Потвърден имейл адрес: kth.se
The thickness of native oxides on aluminum alloys and single crystals
J Evertsson, F Bertram, F Zhang, L Rullik, LR Merte, M Shipilin, ...
Applied Surface Science 349, 826-832, 2015
Surface functionalized nanofibers for the removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions
M Avila, T Burks, F Akhtar, M Göthelid, PC Lansåker, MS Toprak, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 245, 201-209, 2014
Atomic structure of Cu2O (1 1 1)
A Önsten, M Göthelid, UO Karlsson
Surface Science 603 (2), 257-264, 2009
Studies on the adsorption of chromium (VI) onto 3-Mercaptopropionic acid coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
T Burks, M Avila, F Akhtar, M Göthelid, PC Lansåker, MS Toprak, ...
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 425, 36-43, 2014
Adsorption of Sn onSi (111) 7× 7: reconstructions in the monolayer regime
C Törnevik, M Göthelid, M Hammar, UO Karlsson, NG Nilsson, ...
Surface science 314 (2), 179-187, 1994
Bridge-bonded atomic oxygen on Pt (110)
E Janin, H Von Schenck, M Göthelid, UO Karlsson, M Svensson
Physical Review B 61 (19), 13144, 2000
Oxygen evolution at functionalized carbon surfaces: a strategy for immobilization of molecular water oxidation catalysts
L Tong, M Göthelid, L Sun
Chemical Communications 48 (80), 10025-10027, 2012
Surface core-level shifts of Si (111) 7× 7: A fundamental reassessment
G Le Lay, M Göthelid, TM Grehk, M Björkquist, UO Karlsson, VY Aristov
Physical Review B 50 (19), 14277, 1994
Point defects on the (110) surfaces of , , and : A comparison with bulk
A Höglund, CWM Castleton, M Göthelid, B Johansson, S Mirbt
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (7), 075332, 2006
Studies of highly oriented CeO2 films grown on Si (111) by pulsed laser deposition
B Hirschauer, G Chiaia, M Göthelid, UO Karlsson
Thin Solid Films 348 (1-2), 3-7, 1999
Immobilization of a molecular catalyst on carbon nanotubes for highly efficient electro-catalytic water oxidation
F Li, L Li, L Tong, Q Daniel, M Göthelid, L Sun
Chemical Communications 50 (90), 13948-13951, 2014
Sm-and Yb-induced reconstructions of the Si (111) surface
C Wigren, JN Andersen, R Nyholm, M Göthelid, M Hammar, C Törnevik, ...
Physical Review B 48 (15), 11014, 1993
Oxygen structures on Fe (1 1 0)
J Weissenrieder, M Göthelid, M Månsson, H von Schenck, O Tjernberg, ...
Surface Science 527 (1-3), 163-172, 2003
The Surface Structure of Cu2O(100)
M Soldemo, JH Stenlid, Z Besharat, M Ghadami Yazdi, A Onsten, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (8), 4373-4381, 2016
4-tert-Butyl Pyridine Bond Site and Band Bending on TiO2(110)
S Yu, S Ahmadi, C Sun, P Palmgren, F Hennies, M Zuleta, M Gothelid
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (5), 2315-2320, 2010
Strong interactions in dye-sensitized interfaces
P Palmgren, K Nilson, S Yu, F Hennies, T Angot, CI Nlebedim, JM Layet, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (15), 5972-5977, 2008
Initial growth of silver on Ge (111) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
M Hammar, M Göthelid, UO Karlsson, SA Flodström
Physical Review B 47 (23), 15669, 1993
Adatom and rest-atom contributions in Ge (111) c (2× 8) and Ge (111)-Sn (7× 7) core-level spectra
M Göthelid, TM Grehk, M Hammar, UO Karlsson, SA Flodström
Physical Review B 48 (3), 2012, 1993
An incommensurate reconstruction studied with scanning tunnelling microscopy and surface x-ray diffraction
B Aufray, M Göthelid, JM Gay, C Mottet, E Landemark, G Falkenberg, ...
Microscopy Microanalysis Microstructures 8 (3), 167-174, 1997
Metal-semiconductor fluctuation in the Sn adatoms in the Si (111)-Sn and Ge (111)-Sn (√ 3×√ 3) R30° reconstructions
M Göthelid, M Björkqvist, TM Grehk, G Le Lay, UO Karlsson
Physical Review B 52 (20), R14352, 1995
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