Douglas H. Wedell
Reference price and price perceptions: A comparison of alternative models
RW Niedrich, S Sharma, DH Wedell
Journal of Consumer Research 28 (3), 339-354, 2001
Distinguishing among models of contextually induced preference reversals.
DH Wedell
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 17 (4), 767, 1991
Examining models of nondominated decoy effects across judgment and choice
JC Pettibone, DH Wedell
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 81 (2), 300-328, 2000
The category effect with rating scales: number of categories, number of stimuli, and method of presentation.
A Parducci, DH Wedell
Journal of Experimental Psychology: human perception and performance 12 (4), 496, 1986
Validity issues in the Likert and Thurstone approaches to attitude measurement
JS Roberts, JE Laughlin, DH Wedell
Educational and psychological measurement 59 (2), 211-233, 1999
Using judgments to understand decoy effects in choice
DH Wedell, JC Pettibone
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 67 (3), 326-344, 1996
Intrapersonal and social comparison determinants of happiness: a range-frequency analysis.
RH Smith, E Diener, DH Wedell
Journal of personality and social psychology 56 (3), 317, 1989
A formal analysis of ratings of physical attractiveness: Successive contrast and simultaneous assimilation
DH Wedell, A Parducci, RE Geiselman
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 23 (3), 230-249, 1987
Decoding the neural representation of affective states
LB Baucom, DH Wedell, J Wang, DN Blitzer, SV Shinkareva
Neuroimage 59 (1), 718-727, 2012
Measuring school‐related subjective well‐being in adolescents.
RF Long, ES Huebner, DH Wedell, KJ Hills
American journal of Orthopsychiatry 82 (1), 50, 2012
Testing boundary conditions for the conjunction fallacy: Effects of response mode, conceptual focus, and problem type
DH Wedell, R Moro
Cognition 107 (1), 105-136, 2008
Testing alternative explanations of phantom decoy effects
JC Pettibone, DH Wedell
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 20 (3), 323-341, 2007
The category effect in social judgment: Experimental ratings of happiness.
DH Wedell, A Parducci
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 55 (3), 341, 1988
Another look at reasons for choosing and rejecting
DH Wedell
Memory & Cognition 25 (6), 873-887, 1997
Moderation of preference reversals in the long run.
DH Wedell, U Böckenholt
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16 (2), 429, 1990
Looking and weighting in judgment and choice
DH Wedell, SM Senter
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 70 (1), 41-64, 1997
Reducing the dependence of clinical judgment on the immediate context: Effects of number of categories and type of anchors.
DH Wedell, A Parducci, M Lane
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 58 (2), 319, 1990
The self and social judgment: Effects of affective reaction and" own position" on judgments of unambiguous and ambiguous information about others.
AJ Lambert, DH Wedell
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61 (6), 884, 1991
Representations of modality-general valence for videos and music derived from fMRI data
J Kim, SV Shinkareva, DH Wedell
NeuroImage 148, 42-54, 2017
Contrasting models of assimilation and contrast
DH Wedell, SK Hicklin, LO Smarandescu
In D. A. Stapel and J. Suls (Eds), Assimilation and contrast in social …, 2007
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