Saulius Miasojedovas
Saulius Miasojedovas
fizinių mokslų daktaras, Vilniaus universitetas
Потвърден имейл адрес: ageta.lt
Optical monitoring of nonequilibrium carrier lifetime in freestanding GaN by time-resolved four-wave mixing and photoluminescence techniques
T Malinauskas, K Jarašiūnas, S Miasojedovas, S Juršėnas, B Beaumont, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (20), 2006
Diffusion Enhancement in Highly Excited MAPbI3 Perovskite Layers with Additives
P Scajev, C Qin, R Aleksieju̅nas, P Baronas, S Miasojedovas, T Fujihara, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (12), 3167-3172, 2018
Excitation-dependent carrier lifetime and diffusion length in bulk CdTe determined by time-resolved optical pump-probe techniques
P Ščajev, S Miasojedovas, A Mekys, D Kuciauskas, KG Lynn, SK Swain, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2), 2018
Two regimes of carrier diffusion in vapor-deposited lead-halide perovskites
P Scajev, R Aleksiejunas, S Miasojedovas, S Nargelas, M Inoue, C Qin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (39), 21600-21609, 2017
Luminescence decay in highly excited GaN grown by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy
S Juršėnas, S Miasojedovas, G Kurilčik, A Žukauskas, PR Hageman
Applied physics letters 83 (1), 66-68, 2003
A carrier density dependent diffusion coefficient, recombination rate and diffusion length in MAPbI 3 and MAPbBr 3 crystals measured under one-and two-photon excitations
P Ščajev, S Miasojedovas, S Juršėnas
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (30), 10290-10301, 2020
Optical gain in homoepitaxial GaN
S Juršėnas, N Kurilčik, G Kurilčik, S Miasojedovas, A Žukauskas, T Suski, ...
Applied physics letters 85 (6), 952-954, 2004
Morphological and optical property study of Li doped ZnO produced by microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis
P Ščajev, R Durena, P Onufrijevs, S Miasojedovas, T Malinauskas, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 135, 106069, 2021
Carrier and defect dynamics in photoexcited semi-insulating epitaxial GaN layers
E Gaubas, S Juršėnas, S Miasojedovas, J Vaitkus, A Žukauskas
Journal of applied physics 96 (8), 4326-4333, 2004
Carrier recombination and diffusion in GaN revealed by transient luminescence under one-photon and two-photon excitations
S Juršėnas, S Miasojedovas, A Žukauskas, B Lucznik, I Grzegory, T Suski
Applied physics letters 89 (17), 2006
Polyurethane-gold and polyurethane-silver nanoparticles conjugates for efficient immobilization of maltogenase
T Kochane, S Budriene, S Miasojedovas, N Ryskevic, A Straksys, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 532, 436-443, 2017
Increase of free carrier lifetime in nonpolar a-plane GaN grown by epitaxial lateral overgrowth
S Juršènas, E Kuokštis, S Miasojedovas, G Kurilčik, A Žukauskas, ...
Applied physics letters 85 (5), 771-773, 2004
Carrier diffusion and recombination in highly excited InGaN/GaN heterostructures
K Jarašiūnas, R Aleksiejūnas, T Malinauskas, M Sūdžius, S Miasojedovas, ...
physica status solidi (a) 202 (5), 820-823, 2005
Study of neutron irradiated structures of ammonothermal GaN
E Gaubas, T Ceponis, L Deveikis, D Meskauskaite, S Miasojedovas, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (13), 135102, 2017
Carrier dynamics in blue and green emitting InGaN MQWs
R Aleksiejūnas, K Nomeika, S Miasojedovas, S Nargelas, T Malinauskas, ...
physica status solidi (b) 252 (5), 977-982, 2015
Spectral distribution of excitation-dependent recombination rate in an In0. 13Ga0. 87N epilayer
K Jarašiūnas, S Nargelas, R Aleksiejūnas, S Miasojedovas, M Vengris, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (10), 2013
The detrimental effect of AlGaN barrier quality on carrier dynamics in AlGaN/GaN interface
Ž Podlipskas, J Jurkevičius, A Kadys, S Miasojedovas, T Malinauskas, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17346, 2019
Rate of radiative and nonradiative recombination in bulk GaN grown by various techniques
S Juršėnas, S Miasojedovas
Journal of crystal growth 281 (1), 161-167, 2005
Photoluminescence decay dynamics in blue and green InGaN LED structures revealed by the frequency-domain technique
I Reklaitis, R Kudžma, S Miasojedovas, P Vitta, A Žukauskas, ...
Journal of Electronic Materials 45, 3290-3299, 2016
Impact of carrier localization, recombination, and diffusivity on excited state dynamics in InGaN/GaN quantum wells
T Malinauskas, A Kadys, T Grinys, S Nargelas, R Aleksiejūnas, ...
Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices Vii 8262, 269-276, 2012
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