Anthony Avery
Anthony Avery
Professor of Primary Health Care, University of Nottingham
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Continuity of care in general practice: a survey of patients' views.
H Schers, S Webster, H van den Hoogen, A Avery, R Grol, ...
British Journal of General Practice 52 (479), 459-462, 2002
Medication-related clinical decision support in computerized provider order entry systems: a review
GJ Kuperman, A Bobb, TH Payne, AJ Avery, TK Gandhi, G Burns, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 14 (1), 29-40, 2007
Which drugs cause preventable admissions to hospital? A systematic review
RL Howard, AJ Avery, S Slavenburg, S Royal, G Pipe, P Lucassen, ...
British journal of clinical pharmacology 63 (2), 136-147, 2007
Prevalence, severity, and nature of preventable patient harm across medical care settings: systematic review and meta-analysis
M Panagioti, K Khan, RN Keers, A Abuzour, D Phipps, E Kontopantelis, ...
bmj 366, 2019
A pharmacist-led information technology intervention for medication errors (PINCER): a multicentre, cluster randomised, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis
AJ Avery, S Rodgers, JA Cantrill, S Armstrong, K Cresswell, M Eden, ...
The Lancet 379 (9823), 1310-1319, 2012
Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys
AJ Avery, C Anderson, CM Bond, H Fortnum, A Gifford, PC Hannaford, ...
Health Technology Assessment, 2011
Investigation into the reasons for preventable drug related admissions to a medical admissions unit: observational study
RL Howard, AJ Avery, PD Howard, M Partridge
BMJ Quality & Safety 12 (4), 280-285, 2003
Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: final qualitative results from prospective national evaluation in “early …
A Sheikh, T Cornford, N Barber, A Avery, A Takian, V Lichtner, D Petrakaki, ...
Bmj 343, 2011
The relationship between body mass index and health-related quality of life: comparing the EQ-5D, EuroQol VAS and SF-6D
TH Sach, GR Barton, M Doherty, KR Muir, C Jenkinson, AJ Avery
International journal of obesity 31 (1), 189-196, 2007
Effect of pay for performance on the management and outcomes of hypertension in the United Kingdom: interrupted time series study
B Serumaga, D Ross-Degnan, AJ Avery, RA Elliott, SR Majumdar, ...
Bmj 342, 2011
Unlicensed and off label prescribing of drugs in general practice
J McIntyre, S Conroy, A Avery, H Corns, I Choonara
Archives of disease in childhood 83 (6), 498-501, 2000
What evidence supports the use of computerized alerts and prompts to improve clinicians' prescribing behavior?
A Schedlbauer, V Prasad, C Mulvaney, S Phansalkar, W Stanton, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 16 (4), 531-538, 2009
Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: qualitative analysis of interim results from a prospective national evaluation
A Robertson, K Cresswell, A Takian, D Petrakaki, S Crowe, T Cornford, ...
Bmj 341, 2010
Prevalence of polypharmacy in a Scottish primary care population
RA Payne, AJ Avery, M Duerden, CL Saunders, CR Simpson, GA Abel
European journal of clinical pharmacology 70, 575-581, 2014
Is polypharmacy always hazardous? A retrospective cohort analysis using linked electronic health records from primary and secondary care
RA Payne, GA Abel, AJ Avery, SW Mercer, MO Roland
British journal of clinical pharmacology 77 (6), 1073-1082, 2014
A review of human factors principles for the design and implementation of medication safety alerts in clinical information systems
S Phansalkar, J Edworthy, E Hellier, DL Seger, A Schedlbauer, AJ Avery, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (5), 493-501, 2010
Comparison of five antimicrobial regimens for treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory facial acne vulgaris in the community: randomised controlled trial
M Ozolins, EA Eady, AJ Avery, WJ Cunliffe, ALW Po, C O'Neill, ...
The Lancet 364 (9452), 2188-2195, 2004
Thiazide diuretic prescription and electrolyte abnormalities in primary care
JA Clayton, S Rodgers, J Blakey, A Avery, IP Hall
British journal of clinical pharmacology 61 (1), 87-95, 2006
Randomised controlled trial of short bursts of a potent topical corticosteroid versus prolonged use of a mild preparation for children with mild or moderate atopic eczema
KS Thomas, S Armstrong, A Avery, ALW Po, C O'Neill, S Young, ...
Bmj 324 (7340), 768, 2002
Communication gaps and readmissions to hospital for patients aged 75 years and older: observational study
EMA Witherington, OM Pirzada, AJ Avery
BMJ Quality & Safety 17 (1), 71-75, 2008
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