Wahed Hemati
Wahed Hemati
Post Doctoral Researcher, Goethe University Frankfurt
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TextImager: a distributed UIMA-based system for NLP
W Hemati, T Uslu, A Mehler
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016
LSTMVoter: chemical named entity recognition using a conglomerate of sequence labeling tools
W Hemati, A Mehler
Journal of cheminformatics 11, 1-7, 2019
FastSense: An efficient word sense disambiguation classifier
T Uslu, A Mehler, D Baumartz, W Hemati
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Voting for POS tagging of Latin texts: Using the flair of FLAIR to better ensemble classifiers by example of Latin
M Stoeckel, A Henlein, W Hemati, A Mehler
Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020-1st Workshop on Language Technologies for …, 2020
A practitioner’s view: a survey and comparison of lemmatization and morphological tagging in German and Latin
R Gleim, S Eger, A Mehler, T Uslu, W Hemati, A Lücking, A Henlein, ...
Journal of Language Modelling 7 (1), 1–52-1–52, 2019
The Frankfurt Latin Lexicon: From morphological expansion and word embeddings to semiographs
A Mehler, B Jussen, T Geelhaar, A Henlein, G Abrami, D Baumartz, T Uslu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.10790, 2020
From topic networks to distributed cognitive maps: Zipfian topic universes in the area of volunteered geographic information
A Mehler, R Gleim, R Gaitsch, W Hemati, T Uslu
Complexity 2020 (1), 4607025, 2020
Skalenfreie online-soziale Lexika am Beispiel von Wiktionary
A Mehler, R Gleim, W Hemati, T Uslu
Wortschätze. Dynamik, Muster, Komplexität, 269-292, 2018
Wikidition: Automatic lexiconization and linkification of text corpora
A Mehler, R Gleim, T Vor Der Brück, W Hemati, T Uslu, S Eger
it-Information Technology 58 (2), 70-79, 2016
VienNA: auf dem Weg zu einer Infrastruktur für die verteilte interaktive evolutionäre Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache
A Mehler
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2018
Text2voronoi: An image-driven approach to differential diagnosis
A Mehler, T Uslu, W Hemati
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Vision and Language, 80-85, 2016
A multidimensional model of syntactic dependency trees for authorship attribution
A Mehler, W Hemati, T Uslu, A Lücking
Quantitative analysis of dependency structures, 315-347, 2018
Integrating computational linguistic analysis of multilingual learning data and educational measurement approaches to explore learning in higher education
A Mehler, O Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, W Hemati, D Molerov, A Lücking, ...
Positive Learning in the Age of Information: A Blessing or a Curse?, 145-193, 2018
When specialization helps: using pooled contextualized embeddings to detect chemical and biomedical entities in Spanish
M Stoeckel, W Hemati, A Mehler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.03387, 2019
Multiple texts as a limiting factor in online learning: quantifying (dis-) similarities of knowledge networks
A Mehler, W Hemati, P Welke, M Konca, T Uslu
Frontiers in education 5, 562670, 2020
TextImager as a Generic Interface to R
T Uslu, W Hemati, A Mehler, D Baumartz
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the …, 2017
Fast and easy access to Central European biodiversity data with BIOfid
C Driller, M Koch, G Abrami, W Hemati, A Lücking, A Mehler, A Pachzelt, ...
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 4, e59157, 2020
CRFVoter: gene and protein related object recognition using a conglomerate of CRF-based tools
W Hemati, A Mehler
Journal of cheminformatics 11, 1-11, 2019
Corpus2Wiki: a mediawiki based annotation & visualisation tool for the digital humanities
E Rutherford, W Hemati, A Mehler
INF-DH-2018, 10.18420/infdh2018-08, 2018
Workflow and current achievements of biofid, an information service mobilizing biodiversity data from literature sources
C Driller, M Koch, M Schmidt, C Weiland, T Hörnschemeyer, T Hickler, ...
Biodiversity information science and standards, 2018
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