Christian Prins
Christian Prins
Troyes University of Technology, France
Потвърден имейл адрес: utt.fr
A simple and effective evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem
C Prins
Computers & operations research 31 (12), 1985-2002, 2004
A survey of recent research on location-routing problems
C Prodhon, C Prins
European journal of operational research 238 (1), 1-17, 2014
A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity management for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows
T Vidal, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, C Prins
Computers & operations research 40 (1), 475-489, 2013
Heuristics for multi-attribute vehicle routing problems: A survey and synthesis
T Vidal, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, C Prins
European Journal of Operational Research 231 (1), 1-21, 2013
A unified solution framework for multi-attribute vehicle routing problems
T Vidal, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, C Prins
European Journal of Operational Research 234 (3), 658-673, 2014
Competitive memetic algorithms for arc routing problems
P Lacomme, C Prins, W Ramdane-Cherif
Annals of Operations Research 131, 159-185, 2004
Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a cooperative Lagrangean relaxation-granular tabu search heuristic
C Prins, C Prodhon, A Ruiz, P Soriano, R Wolfler Calvo
Transportation science 41 (4), 470-483, 2007
A branch-and-cut method for the capacitated location-routing problem
JM Belenguer, E Benavent, C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 38 (6), 931-941, 2011
A memetic algorithm with dynamic population management for an integrated production–distribution problem
M Boudia, C Prins
European journal of operational research 195 (3), 703-715, 2009
A reactive GRASP and path relinking for a combined production–distribution problem
M Boudia, MAO Louly, C Prins
Computers & Operations Research 34 (11), 3402-3419, 2007
Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP
C Guéret, C Prins, M Sevaux
Dash Optimization Limited, 2002
Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a GRASP complemented by a learning process and a path relinking
C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
4or 4, 221-238, 2006
An effective memetic algorithm for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem
SU Ngueveu, C Prins, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 37 (11), 1877-1885, 2010
A GRASP× ELS approach for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Duhamel, P Lacomme, C Prins, C Prodhon
Computers & operations research 37 (11), 1912-1923, 2010
A memetic algorithm and a tabu search for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem
A El Fallahi, C Prins, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 35 (5), 1725-1741, 2008
Two memetic algorithms for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems
C Prins
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 22 (6), 916-928, 2009
Models for optimization and performance evaluation of biomass supply chains: An Operations Research perspective
BH Ba, C Prins, C Prodhon
Renewable Energy 87, 977-989, 2016
A GRASP× evolutionary local search hybrid for the vehicle routing problem
C Prins
Bio-inspired algorithms for the vehicle routing problem, 35-53, 2009
Solving the two-echelon location routing problem by a GRASP reinforced by a learning process and path relinking
VP Nguyen, C Prins, C Prodhon
European Journal of Operational Research 216 (1), 113-126, 2012
A genetic algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem and its extensions
P Lacomme, C Prins, W Ramdane-Chérif
Workshops on applications of evolutionary computation, 473-483, 2001
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