Sultan Tarawneh
Sultan Tarawneh
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Applied Science Private University, Mutah University
Потвърден имейл адрес: asu.edu.jo - Начална страница
Effect of using steel slag aggregate on mechanical properties of concrete
SA Tarawneh, ES Gharaibeh, FM Saraireh
American Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (5), 700, 2014
Evaluation of pre-qualification criteria: client perspective; Jordan case study
SA Tarawneh
Journal of Applied Sciences 4 (3), 354-363, 2004
Investigating the impact of contractor’s performance on the success of Jordanian residential construction projects
NSS Kasabreh, SA Tarawneh
International journal of construction management 21 (5), 468-475, 2021
Causes of cracks and deterioration of pavement on highways in Jordan from contractors’ perspective
S Tarawneh, M Sarireh
Civil and Environmental Research 3 (10), 16-26, 2013
Why are design and build clients unhappy?
C Preece, S Tarawneh
Construction Manager 3 (7), 24-5, 1997
Impact of applying occupational safety and health programs on employees performance in construction sector
MA Al-Rawajfeh, S Tarawneh
Solid State Technology 63 (6), 3332-3346, 2020
Obstacles facing women working in the Jordanian construction industry: women's perspective
AS Al-Dalaeen, S Tarawneh
International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management 12 (2), 1-15, 2022
Marketing for service quality-contractors' perception: UAE case study
SA Tarawneh
Marketing 6 (16), 2014
Safety Concept, Value and Cost in Construction Projects in Jordan
M Sarireh, S Tarawneh
Safety 6 (5), 2014
Marketing for Service Quality in Jordanian Construction Project Organisation
SA Tarawneh
Civil and Environmental Research 3 (12), 93-102, 2013
Effect of treated waste water on the behavior of unsaturated soil.
ON Maaitah, SA Tarawneh
Impact of cash flow variation on project performance: contractors’ perspective
S Tarawneh, AF Almahmoud, H Hajjeh
Engineering Management in Production and Services 15 (1), 2023
Time and cost overruns in Jordanian Building construction projects
S Tarawneh, MK Sarireh, E Tarawneh
Natural and Applied Sciences Series 35 (1), 2020
Evaluation of the use of steelmaking slag as an aggregate in concrete mix: A factorial design approach
SH Aljbour, SA Tarawneh, AM Al-Harahsheh
Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly 23 (1), 113-119, 2017
Modeling of productivity for horizontal directional drilling (HDD) operation and applications
M Sarireh, S Tarawneh
Eur. J. Bus. Manag 6, 1905-2222, 2014
Effect of the Residential Photovoltaic Systems Evolution on Electricity and Thermal Energy Usage in Jordan
N Beithou, MA Mansour, N Abdellatif, S Alsaqoor, S Tarawneh, AH Jaber, ...
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal 17 (3), 2023
Safety of construction in projects in Jordan
M Sarireh, S Tarawneh
International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research 2 (3), 249, 2013
Hierarchical risk communication management framework for construction projects
MA Mansour, N Beithou, M Alsqour, S Tarawneh, KA Rababa’a, ...
Engineering Management in Production and Services 15 (4), 2023
The Impacts of Customs Changes on Traffic Accidents in Jordan.
SA Mahadin, ON Maaitah, SA Tarawneh
MEJ-Mansoura Engineering Journal 27 (4), 1-13, 2021
Priority of Flexible Pavement Failure Criteria in Jordan in Accordance with Clients’, Consultants’, and Contractors’ Views
S Tarawneh, M Sarireh
Eur J Bus Manag 6, 1-14, 2014
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