Damien Faux
Damien Faux
PhD, Actronika SAS
Потвърден имейл адрес: actronika.com
Two modes resonant combined motion for insect wings kinematics reproduction and lift generation
D Faux, O Thomas, E Cattan, S Grondel
Europhysics Letters 121 (6), 66001, 2018
Dynamic simulation and optimization of artificial insect-sized flapping wings for a bioinspired kinematics using a two resonant vibration modes combination
D Faux, O Thomas, S Grondel, E Cattan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 460, 114883, 2019
Concurrent haptic, audio, and visual data set during bare finger interaction with textured surfaces
A Devillard, A Ramasamy, D Faux, V Hayward, E Burdet
2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 101-106, 2023
Vibratory detection thresholds for the spine, clavicle and sternum
C Richards, N Misdariis, R Cahen, D Faux, V Hayward
2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 346-346, 2021
Couplage modal pour la reproduction de la cinématique d'une aile d'insecte et la génération de portance d'un nano-drone bio-inspiré
D Faux
Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2018
Distributed tactile display with dual array design
Y Massalim, D Faux, V Hayward
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 16 (2), 334-338, 2023
Coupling of two resonant modes for insect wing mimicking in a flexible-wing NAV and generate lift
D Faux, E Cattan, S Grondel, O Thomas
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 58257, V001T06A005, 2017
Modeling and simulation of the vertical take off and energy consumption of a vibrating wing nano air vehicle
D Faux, S Dupont, E Cattan, S Grondel
2016 11th France-Japan & 9th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics …, 2016
Design, Fabrication and Dynamic Testing of Insect-Inspired Nano Air Vehicles
S Grondel, D Faux, M de La Bigne, A Itawi, M Zwingelstein, S Ghenna, ...
2023 30th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits …, 2023
Method for generating tactile sensations located on a surface and haptic interface implementing this method
F Damien, V Hayward, M Wiertlewski
US Patent App. 17/784,397, 2022
Human Self-touch vs Other-Touch Resolved by Machine Learning
A Ramasamy, D Faux, V Hayward, M Auvray, X Job, L Kirsch
International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer …, 2022
Diptera-inspired vibrating-wing nano drone
M Colin, D Faux, E Cattan, S Grondel, O Thomas
2nd International Workshop «Insect Bio-inspired Microtechnology», 2019
Couplage vibratoire bioinspiré pour la propulsion d'un nano-drone mimant l'insecte
D Faux, E Cattan, O Thomas, S Grondel
7es Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit, JJCAB 2017, 2017
Resonant coupling for insect wings kinematics reproduction in a NAV and lift generation
D Faux, O Thomas, S Grondel, E Cattan
ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent …, 2017
Validation expérimentale d'un couplage de deux modes vibratoires pour la reproduction de la cinématique d'ailes d'insecte et la production de portance
D Faux, O Thomas, S Grondel, E Cattan
Congrès Français de Mécanique, CFM 2017, 2017
Vibrating wings conception for an insect-like nano-drone
D Faux, O Thomas, E Cattan, S Grondel
8ème Edition Franco-Belge du Mardi des Chercheurs, MdC 2017, 2017
Conception d'ailes vibrantes pour un nano-drone mimant l'insecte
D Faux, E Cattan, S Grondel, O Thomas, JB Paquet
5es Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit, JJCAB …, 2015
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