Thomas Rosset
Thomas Rosset
Ecolab, VCNRS, Universite de Toulouse
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Peatland dissolved organic carbon export to surface waters: Global significance and effects of anthropogenic disturbance
T Rosset, S Binet, F Rigal, L Gandois
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (5), e2021GL096616, 2022
Peatland contribution to stream organic carbon exports from a montane watershed
T Rosset, L Gandois, G Le Roux, R Teisserenc, P Durantez Jimenez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (11), 3448-3464, 2019
Drivers of seasonal-and event-scale DOC dynamics at the outlet of mountainous peatlands revealed by high-frequency monitoring
T Rosset, S Binet, JM Antoine, E Lerigoleur, F Rigal, L Gandois
Biogeosciences 17 (13), 3705-3722, 2020
Trace metal legacy in mountain environments: a view from the Pyrenees Mountains
G Le Roux, SV Hansson, A Claustres, S Binet, F De Vleeschouwer, ...
Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact, 191-206, 2020
The information system of the French Peatland Observation Service: Service National d'Observation Tourbières–A valuable tool to assess the impact of global changes on the …
S Gogo, J Paroissien, F Laggoun‐Défarge, JM Antoine, L Bernard‐Jannin, ...
Hydrological Processes 35 (6), e14244, 2021
Transfert de carbone organique des tourbières vers les eaux de surfaces: quantification, identification des mécanismes de contrôles et détermination de l'influence des …
T Rosset
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2019
Flux et bilans de carbone d’une tourbière des Pyrénées: suivi à long terme et impact des épisodes de sécheresse
L Gandois, S Binet, B Decharme, C Delire, P Durantez, R Garisoain, ...
ohmpyr2024: Séminaire de restitution des projets 2022-2024 de l'OHM Pyrénées …, 2024
Mountain peatlands and drought: Carbon cycling in the Pyrenees amidst global climate change
R Garisoain, A Jacotot, C Delire, S Binet, G Le Roux, S Gascoin, T Rosset, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129 (7), e2024JG008041, 2024
Peatland sites, a global review: catchment and climatic characteristics
T Rosset, L Gandois
(No Title), 2021
DOC exports from peatland sites, a global review: annual biogeochemical and climatic dataset
T Rosset, L Gandois
(No Title), 2021
Small but essential in hydrogeochemical cycles: headwater mountain catchments
G Le Roux, M Haver, T Rosset, D Schmeller, L Gandois, D Allen, S Binet, ...
EGU General Assembly 2020, 2020
Transfert de carbone organique des tourbières vers les eaux de surfaces & Bilan carbone de la tourbière de Bernadouze
T Rosset, L Gandois, G Le Roux, S Binet, S Gogo, A Jacotot
ohmpyr2020: Séminaire de restitution des projets 2018-2019 de l'OHM Pyrénées …, 2020
CoFhy Impact d’une COupe Forestière sur l'Hydrologie d’une tourbière
S Binet, T Rosset, L Gandois, G Le Roux
ohmpyr2020: Séminaire de restitution des projets 2018-2019 de l'OHM Pyrénées …, 2020
Impact of Local Human Activities on Dissolved Organic Carbon Export from Peatlands-a Global Review
T Rosset, S Binet, F Rigal, L Gandois
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B22F-02, 2019
DOC concentration peaks driven by water table increases at the outlet of mountainous peatlands.
T Rosset, L Gandois, S Binet
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Exports of stream organic carbon from two Pyrenean peatlands and potential anthropogenic impacts
T Rosset, L Gandois, S Binet
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM 2018, 2018
Exportation des matières organiques dissoutes par les crues à l’exutoire de la tourbière de Bernadouze: étude de la composition moléculaire.
G Golding, M Liotaud, L Jeanneau, L Gandois, S Binet, T Rosset
FROG IV, 2018
Study of the anthropic impacts on the dissolved organic carbon exports at Pyrenean peatlands outlets
T Rosset
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM 2017, 2017
Suivi hydrochimique de la tourbière de la tourbière de Bernadouze pour l’évaluation des flux de carbone
T Rosset, L Gandois, S Binet
Séminaire OHM-Haut Vicdessos, 2017
Hydrological controls on dissolved organic carbon exports from a-French Pyrenean-mountainous peatland
T Rosset, L Gandois, JM Antoine, R Teisserenc, S Binet
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9176, 2017
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