Pieter van der Zaag
Pieter van der Zaag
Professor of Water Resources Management, IHE Delft and TU Delft
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Water as an Economic Good and Demand Management Paradigms with Pitfalls
HHG Savenije, P Van Der Zaag
Water international 27 (1), 98-104, 2002
Integrated water resources management: Concepts and issues
HHG Savenije, P Van der Zaag
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33 (5), 290-297, 2008
Interbasin water transfers and integrated water resources management: Where engineering, science and politics interlock
J Gupta, P van der Zaag
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/b/c 33 (1-2), 28-40, 2008
Trend analysis of runoff and sediment fluxes in the Upper Blue Nile basin: A combined analysis of statistical tests, physically-based models and landuse maps
TG Gebremicael, YA Mohamed, GD Betrie, P Van der Zaag, E Teferi
Journal of hydrology 482, 57-68, 2013
Going against the flow: A critical analysis of inter-state virtual water trade in the context of India’s National River Linking Program
S Verma, DA Kampman, P van der Zaag, AY Hoekstra
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 34 (4-5), 261-269, 2009
Conceptual framework for the management of shared river basins; with special reference to the SADC and EU
HHG Savenije, P Van der Zaag
Water policy 2 (1), 9-45, 2000
Integrated Water Resources Management: Relevant concept or irrelevant buzzword? A capacity building and research agenda for Southern Africa
P Van der Zaag
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 30 (11-16), 867-871, 2005
Land suitability analysis for agriculture in the Abbay basin using remote sensing, GIS and AHP techniques
SG Yalew, A Van Griensven, ML Mul, P van der Zaag
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2, 1-14, 2016
Evolving water science in the Anthropocene
HHG Savenije, AY Hoekstra, P van der Zaag
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (1), 319-332, 2014
River basin development and management
F Molle, P Wester, P Hirsch, JR Jensen, H Murray-Rust, V Paranjpye, ...
Water for Food Water for Life, 585-626, 2013
Understanding soil conservation decision of farmers in the Gedeb watershed, Ethiopia
A Tesfaye, W Negatu, R Brouwer, P Van der Zaag
Land Degradation & Development 25 (1), 71-79, 2014
A system dynamics model to quantify the impacts of restoration measures on the water-energy-food nexus in the Urmia lake Basin, Iran
E Bakhshianlamouki, S Masia, P Karimi, P van der Zaag, J Sušnik
Science of the Total Environment 708, 134874, 2020
Policy and institutional reform: the art of the possible. Chapter 5
DJ Merrey, R Meinzen, PP Mollinga, W Huppert, J Rees, J Vera, ...
Water for food water for life; a comprehensive assessment of water …, 2008
Assessing the usefulness of the water poverty index by applying it to a special case: Can one be water poor with high levels of access?
V Komnenic, R Ahlers, P Van Der Zaag
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 34 (4-5), 219-224, 2009
AgriSuit: A web-based GIS-MCDA framework for agricultural land suitability assessment
SG Yalew, A Van Griensven, P van der Zaag
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 128, 1-8, 2016
Towards measurable criteria for the equitable sharing of international water resources
P Van der Zaag, IM Seyam, HHG Savenije
Water Policy 4 (1), 19-32, 2002
Estimation of reservoir discharges from Lake Nasser and Roseires Reservoir in the Nile Basin using satellite altimetry and imagery data
E Muala, YA Mohamed, Z Duan, P Van der Zaag
Remote Sensing 6 (8), 7522-7545, 2014
Attributing the hydrological impact of different land use types and their long-term dynamics through combining parsimonious hydrological modelling, alteration analysis and PLSR …
TG Gebremicael, YA Mohamed, P Van der Zaag
Science of the Total Environment 660, 1155-1167, 2019
Impacts of land use and land cover changes on hydrology of the Gumara catchment, Ethiopia
A Birhanu, I Masih, P Van Der Zaag, J Nyssen, X Cai
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/b/c 112, 165-174, 2019
An interdisciplinary political ecology of drinking water quality. Exploring socio-ecological inequalities in Lilongwe’s water supply network
M Rusca, AS Boakye-Ansah, A Loftus, G Ferrero, P Van der Zaag
Geoforum 84, 138-146, 2017
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