Jeffrey S. Oishi
yt: A multi-code analysis toolkit for astrophysical simulation data
MJ Turk, BD Smith, JS Oishi, S Skory, SW Skillman, T Abel, ML Norman
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 192 (1), 9, 2010
Rapid planetesimal formation in turbulent circumstellar disks
A Johansen, JS Oishi, MMM Low, H Klahr, T Henning, A Youdin
Nature 448 (7157), 1022-1025, 2007
Enzo: An adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysics
GL Bryan, ML Norman, BW O'Shea, T Abel, JH Wise, MJ Turk, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 211 (2), 19, 2014
Dedalus: A flexible framework for numerical simulations with spectral methods
KJ Burns, GM Vasil, JS Oishi, D Lecoanet, BP Brown
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023068, 2020
Simulating the common envelope phase of a red giant using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics and uniform-grid codes
JC Passy, O De Marco, CL Fryer, F Herwig, S Diehl, JS Oishi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 744 (1), 52, 2011
Magnetic fields in population III star formation
MJ Turk, JS Oishi, T Abel, GL Bryan
The Astrophysical Journal 745 (2), 154, 2012
The Pencil Code, a modular MPI code for partial differential equations and particles: multipurpose and multiuser-maintained
A Brandenburg, A Johansen, PA Bourdin, W Dobler, W Lyra, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08231, 2020
Cassiopeia A and its clumpy presupernova wind
RA Chevalier, J Oishi
The Astrophysical Journal 593 (1), L23, 2003
A validated non-linear Kelvin–Helmholtz benchmark for numerical hydrodynamics
D Lecoanet, M McCourt, E Quataert, KJ Burns, GM Vasil, JS Oishi, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455 (4), 4274-4288, 2016
Turbulent torques on protoplanets in a dead zone
JS Oishi, MM Mac Low, K Menou
The Astrophysical Journal 670 (1), 805, 2007
ENZO: An adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysics (version 2.6)
C Brummel-Smith, G Bryan, I Butsky, L Corlies, A Emerick, J Forbes, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (42), 1636, 2019
Numerical simulations of internal wave generation by convection in water
D Lecoanet, M Le Bars, KJ Burns, GM Vasil, BP Brown, E Quataert, ...
Physical Review E 91 (6), 063016, 2015
On hydrodynamic motions in dead zones
JS Oishi, MM Mac Low
The Astrophysical Journal 704 (2), 1239, 2009
The inability of ambipolar diffusion to set a characteristic mass scale in molecular clouds
JS Oishi, MM Mac Low
The Astrophysical Journal 638 (1), 281, 2006
Flow-induced symmetry breaking in growing bacterial biofilms
P Pearce, B Song, DJ Skinner, R Mok, R Hartmann, PK Singh, H Jeckel, ...
Physical review letters 123 (25), 258101, 2019
Self-generated turbulence in magnetic reconnection
JS Oishi, MM Mac Low, DC Collins, M Tamura
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 806 (1), L12, 2015
Magnetorotational turbulence transports angular momentum in stratified disks with low magnetic Prandtl number but magnetic Reynolds number above a critical value
JS Oishi, MM Mac Low
The Astrophysical Journal 740 (1), 18, 2011
Hybrid Adaptive Ray-Moment Method (HARM2): A highly parallel method for radiation hydrodynamics on adaptive grids
AL Rosen, MR Krumholz, JS Oishi, AT Lee, RI Klein
Journal of Computational Physics 330, 924-942, 2017
Dedalus: Flexible framework for spectrally solving differential equations
KJ Burns, GM Vasil, JS Oishi, D Lecoanet, B Brown
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 1603.015, 2016
Tensor calculus in polar coordinates using Jacobi polynomials
GM Vasil, KJ Burns, D Lecoanet, S Olver, BP Brown, JS Oishi
Journal of Computational Physics 325, 53-73, 2016
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