Rozmie Razif Othman
Rozmie Razif Othman
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Потвърден имейл адрес: unimap.edu.my
A preliminary performance evaluation of K-means, KNN and EM unsupervised machine learning methods for network flow classification
A Alalousi, R Razif, M AbuAlhaj, M Anbar, S Nizam
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 6 (2), 778, 2016
ITTDG: Integrated T-way test data generation strategy for interaction testing
RR Othman, KZ Zamli
Scientific Research and Essays 6 (17), 3638-3648, 2011
A new modification for menezes-vanstone elliptic curve cryptosystem
ZE Dawahdeh, SN Yaakob, RRB Othman
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 85 (3), 290, 2016
T-way strategies and its applications for combinatorial testing
RR Othman, KZ Zamli
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications 1 …, 2011
Sequence-based interaction testing implementation using bees algorithm
MZM Hazli
2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 81-85, 2012
Network traffic classification—a comparative study of two common decision tree methods: C4. 5 and random forest
A Munther, A Alalousi, S Nizam, RR Othman, M Anbar
2014 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED), 210-214, 2014
Event driven input sequence t-way test strategy using simulated annealing
M Rahman, RR Othman, RB Ahmad, MM Rahman
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and …, 2014
Gravitational search algorithm based strategy for combinatorial t-way test suite generation
KM Htay, RR Othman, A Amir, JMH Alkanaani
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (8 …, 2022
T-Way Testing Strategies: A Critical Survey and Analysis
RR Othman, KZ Zamli, SMS Mohamad
A dual band antenna design for future millimeter wave wireless communication at 24.25 GHz and 38 GHz
NN Daud, M Jusoh, HA Rahim, RR Othman, T Sapabathy, MN Osman, ...
2017 IEEE 13th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its …, 2017
A review on recent t-way combinatorial testing strategy
N Ramli, RR Othman, ZIA Khalib, M Jusoh
MATEC Web of Conferences 140, 01016, 2017
General variable strength t-way strategy supporting flexible interactions
RR Othman, KZ Zamli, LE Nugroho
Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 6 (3), 415, 2012
Optimizing combinatorial input-output based relations testing using Ant Colony algorithm
N Ramli, RR Othman, MSAR Ali
2016 3rd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED), 586-590, 2016
Variable strength t-way test suite generator with constraints support
RR Othman, N Khamis, KZ Zamli
Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 27 (3), 204-217, 2014
The effects of CPU load & idle state on embedded processor energy usage
S Daud, RB Ahmad, OB Lynn, ZI Abd Kareem, LM Kamarudin, P Ehkan, ...
2014 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED), 30-35, 2014
A meta heuristic search based t-way event driven input sequence test case generator
M Rahman, RR Othman, RB Ahmad, MM Rahman
Int. J. Simul. Syst. Sci. Technol 15 (3), 65-71, 2014
T-way test suite generation strategy based on ant colony algorithm to support t-way variable strength
N Ramli, RR Othman, R Hendradi, I Iszaidy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1755 (1), 012034, 2021
A performance study of hidden Markov model and random forest in internet traffic classification
A Munther, RR Othman, AS Alsaadi, M Anbar
Information Science and Applications (ICISA) 2016, 319-329, 2016
Analysis of geometric, Zernike and united moment invariants techniques based on intra-class evaluation
MW Nasrudin, SN Yaakob, RR Othman, I Ismail, MI Jais, ASA Nasir
2014 5th international conference on intelligent systems, modelling and …, 2014
On sequence based interaction testing
KZ Zamli, RR Othman, MHM Zabil
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics, 662-667, 2011
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