Suyash Jolly
Suyash Jolly
Principal (Senior) Researcher, Department of Human Geography and Regional Development, Ostrava Univ
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Agency and actors in regional industrial path development. A framework and longitudinal analysis
S Jolly, M Grillitsch, T Hansen
Geoforum 111, 176-188, 2020
Upscaling of business model experiments in off-grid PV solar energy in India
S Jolly, R Raven, H Romijn
Sustainability Science 7, 199-212, 2012
The many roles of change agency in the game of green path development in the North
M Sotarauta, N Suvinen, S Jolly, T Hansen
European Urban and Regional Studies 28 (2), 92-110, 2021
Collective institutional entrepreneurship and contestations in wind energy in India
S Jolly, R Raven
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 999-1011, 2015
Institutional entrepreneurship in transforming energy systems towards sustainability: Wind energy in Finland and India
S Jolly, P Spodniak, R Raven
Energy Research & Social Science 17, 102-118, 2016
Unpacking sustainabilities in diverse transition contexts: solar photovoltaic and urban mobility experiments in India and Thailand
R Raven, B Ghosh, A Wieczorek, A Stirling, D Ghosh, S Jolly, ...
Sustainability Science 12, 579-596, 2017
Industry legitimacy: bright and dark phases in regional industry path development
S Jolly, T Hansen
Regional Studies 56 (4), 630-643, 2022
Field configuring events shaping sustainability transitions? The case of solar PV in India
S Jolly, R Raven
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 103, 324-333, 2016
Role of institutional entrepreneurship in the creation of regional solar PV energy markets: Contrasting developments in Gujarat and West Bengal
S Jolly
Energy for Sustainable Development 38, 77-92, 2017
Common-pool resources and governance in sustainability transitions
LA Nogueira, KA Wigger, S Jolly
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 41, 35-38, 2021
What's underneath? Social skills throughout sustainability transitions
E Fohim, S Jolly
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40, 348-366, 2021
Systemic intermediaries and the transition toward forest-based bioeconomy in the North
A Klitkou, S Jolly, N Suvinen
Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 1-28, 2020
Green growth in Nordic regions: Eight case studies
AD Andersen, M Bugge, M Capasso, S Jolly, A Klitkou, M Sotarauta, ...
NIFU, 2019
Renewable energy and industrial development in pioneering and lagging regions: the offshore wind industry in southern Denmark and Normandy
S Jolly, M Steen, T Hansen, S Afewerki
Oxford Open Energy 2, oiad010, 2023
Collective institutional entrepreneurship for fostering sustainable energy transitions in India
S Jolly
Green growth in Nordic regions
AD Andersen, M Bugge, M Capasso, S Jolly, A Klitkou, M Sotarauta, ...
Eight case studies, 2019
Indigenous agency and the emerging green discontent in the rural and peripheral places
S Jolly
Retrieved from ResearchGate: https://www. researchgate. net/publication …, 2022
Regional industrial path development, multi-level policy mixes, and renewable energy deployment: offshore wind energy development in Syddanmark (Denmark) and Normandy (France)
S Jolly, M Steen, T Hansen, S Afewerki
Proceedings of the 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, 2020
Green Path Development and Change Agency in Nordic Regions
M Sotarauta, T Hansen, S Jolly, N Suvinen
The many roles of change agency in the game of green path development identifying the system of institutional entrepreneurship in the North
M Sotarauta, T Hansen, S Jolly, N Suvinen
Unpublished manuscript, 0
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