Mario Costantini
Mario Costantini
CTO, Board Member and Partner at B-Open
Потвърден имейл адрес: bopen.eu
A novel phase unwrapping method based on network programming
M Costantini
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 36 (3), 813-821, 1998
A generalized phase unwrapping approach for sparse data
M Costantini, PA Rosen
IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS'99 …, 1999
Experimental evidence for critical dynamics in microfracturing processes
A Petri, G Paparo, A Vespignani, A Alippi, M Costantini
Physical review letters 73 (25), 3423, 1994
Use of differential SAR interferometry in monitoring and modelling large slope instability at Maratea (Basilicata, Italy)
P Berardino, M Costantini, G Franceschetti, A Iodice, L Pietranera, ...
Engineering geology 68 (1-2), 31-51, 2003
A new method for identification and analysis of persistent scatterers in series of SAR images
M Costantini, S Falco, F Malvarosa, F Minati
IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2008
Analysis of surface deformations over the whole Italian territory by interferometric processing of ERS, Envisat and COSMO-SkyMed radar data
M Costantini, A Ferretti, F Minati, S Falco, F Trillo, D Colombo, F Novali, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 202, 250-275, 2017
A general formulation for redundant integration of finite differences and phase unwrapping on a sparse multidimensional domain
M Costantini, F Malvarosa, F Minati
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 50 (3), 758-768, 2011
Persistent scatterer pair interferometry: Approach and application to COSMO-SkyMed SAR data
M Costantini, S Falco, F Malvarosa, F Minati, F Trillo, F Vecchioli
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
A fast phase unwrapping algorithm for SAR interferometry
M Costantini, A Farina, F Zirilli
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37 (1), 452-460, 2002
The fusion of different resolution SAR images
M Costantini, A Farina, F Zirilli
Proceedings of the IEEE 85 (1), 139-146, 1997
A phase unwrapping method based on network programming
M Costantini
ERS SAR Interferometry 406, 261, 1997
Landslide detection integrated system (LaDIS) based on in-situ and satellite SAR interferometry measurements
D Di Martire, S Tessitore, D Brancato, MG Ciminelli, S Costabile, ...
Catena 137, 406-421, 2016
Semi-automatic identification and pre-screening of geological–geotechnical deformational processes using persistent scatterer interferometry datasets
R Tomás, JI Pagán, JA Navarro, M Cano, JL Pastor, A Riquelme, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (14), 1675, 2019
Detection of building and infrastructure instabilities by automatic spatiotemporal analysis of satellite SAR interferometry measurements
M Zhu, X Wan, B Fei, Z Qiao, C Ge, F Minati, F Vecchioli, J Li, M Costantini
Remote Sensing 10 (11), 1816, 2018
European ground motion service (EGMS)
M Costantini, F Minati, F Trillo, A Ferretti, F Novali, E Passera, J Dehls, ...
2021 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium IGARSS, 3293 …, 2021
Monitoring terrain movements by means of sparse SAR differential interferometric measurements
M Costantini, A Iodice, L Magnapane, L Pietranera
IGARSS 2000. IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2000
Satellite radar interferometry and in-situ measurements for static monitoring of historical monuments: The case of Gubbio, Italy
N Cavalagli, A Kita, S Falco, F Trillo, M Costantini, F Ubertini
Remote Sensing of Environment 235, 111453, 2019
A three-dimensional phase unwrapping algorithm for processing of multitemporal SAR interferometric measurements
M Costantini, F Malvarosa, F Minati, L Pietranera, G Milillo
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 3, 1741-1743, 2002
Joint inversion of broadband teleseismic and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data for the slip history of the Mw= 7.7, Nazca ridge (Peru) earthquake of 12 …
J Salichon, B Delouis, P Lundgren, D Giardini, M Costantini, P Rosen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B2), 2003
A method for structural monitoring of multispan bridges using satellite InSAR data with uncertainty quantification and its pre-collapse application to the Albiano-Magra Bridge …
E Farneti, N Cavalagli, M Costantini, F Trillo, F Minati, I Venanzi, ...
Structural Health Monitoring 22 (1), 353-371, 2023
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