Sophia V. Hansson
Sophia V. Hansson
CRBE CNRS - Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées - Université de Toulouse
Потвърден имейл адрес: toulouse-inp.fr
The plastic cycle: a novel and holistic paradigm for the Anthropocene
MS Bank, SV Hansson
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (13), 7177-7179, 2019
People, pollution and pathogens–Global change impacts in mountain freshwater ecosystems
DS Schmeller, A Loyau, K Bao, W Brack, A Chatzinotas, ...
Science of the Total Environment 622, 756-763, 2018
Early medieval origins of iron mining and settlement in central Sweden: multiproxy analysis of sediment and peat records from the Norberg mining district
R Bindler, U Segerström, M Pettersson-Jensen, A Berg, S Hansson, ...
Journal of archaeological science 38 (2), 291-300, 2011
Mining, metallurgy and the historical origin of mercury pollution in lakes and watercourses in Central Sweden
R Bindler, R Yu, S Hansson, N Claßen, J Karlsson
Environmental science & technology 46 (15), 7984-7991, 2012
The microplastic cycle: An introduction to a complex issue
MS Bank, SV Hansson
Microplastic in the environment: Pattern and process, 1-16, 2022
Large difference in carbon emission–burial balances between boreal and arctic lakes
EJ Lundin, J Klaminder, D Bastviken, C Olid, SV Hansson, J Karlsson
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 14248, 2015
Histological mucous cell quantification and mucosal mapping reveal different aspects of mucous cell responses in gills and skin of shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius)
M Dang, K Pittman, C Sonne, S Hansson, L Bach, J Søndergaard, ...
Fish & shellfish immunology 100, 334-344, 2020
Atmospheric and terrigenous metal accumulation over 3000 years in a French mountain catchment: Local vs distal influences
SV Hansson, A Claustres, A Probst, F De Vleeschouwer, S Baron, ...
Anthropocene 19, 45-54, 2017
Mineral dust as a driver of carbon accumulation in northern latitudes
ME Kylander, A Martínez-Cortizas, R Bindler, J Kaal, JK Sjöström, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6876, 2018
Evaluating paleoproxies for peat decomposition and their relationship to peat geochemistry
SV Hansson, J Rydberg, M Kylander, K Gallagher, R Bindler
The Holocene 23 (12), 1666-1671, 2013
Rapid shifts in Arctic tundra species' distributions and inter‐specific range overlap under future climate change
FM van Beest, LT Beumer, AS Andersen, SV Hansson, NM Schmidt
Diversity and Distributions 27 (9), 1706-1718, 2021
Bioaccumulation of mining derived metals in blood, liver, muscle and otoliths of two Arctic predatory fish species (Gadus ogac and Myoxocephalus scorpius)
SV Hansson, JP Desforges, FM van Beest, L Bach, NM Halden, C Sonne, ...
Environmental Research 183, 109194, 2020
Mucous cell responses to contaminants and parasites in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from a former lead‑zinc mine in West Greenland
M Dang, K Pittman, L Bach, C Sonne, SV Hansson, J Søndergaard, ...
Science of the Total Environment 678, 207-216, 2019
Beryllium-7 as a natural tracer for short-term downwash in peat
SV Hansson, JM Kaste, K Chen, R Bindler
Biogeochemistry 119, 329-339, 2014
Incorporation of radiometric tracers in peat and implications for estimating accumulation rates
SV Hansson, JM Kaste, C Olid, R Bindler
Science of the total environment 493, 170-177, 2014
Using peat records as natural archives of past atmospheric metal deposition
SV Hansson, R Bindler, F De Vleeschouwer
Environmental Contaminants: Using natural archives to track sources and long …, 2015
A mass budget and box model of global plastics cycling, degradation and dispersal in the land-ocean-atmosphere system
JE Sonke, AM Koenig, N Yakovenko, O Hagelskjær, H Margenat, ...
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2 (1), 28, 2022
Paleodust deposition and peat accumulation rates–Bog size matters
JK Sjöström, AM Cortizas, SV Hansson, NS Sánchez, R Bindler, ...
Chemical Geology 554, 119795, 2020
Inorganic chemistry in the mountain critical zone: are the mountain water towers of contemporary society under threat by trace contaminants?
G Le Roux, SV Hansson, A Claustres
Developments in earth surface processes 21, 131-154, 2016
Downwash of atmospherically deposited trace metals in peat and the influence of rainfall intensity: An experimental test
SV Hansson, J Tolu, R Bindler
Science of the Total Environment 506, 95-101, 2015
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