Alexander Rudloff
Enabling large-scale hydrogen storage in porous media–the scientific challenges
N Heinemann, J Alcalde, JM Miocic, SJT Hangx, J Kallmeyer, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (2), 853-864, 2021
Subduction and collision processes in the Central Andes constrained by converted seismic phases
X Yuan, SV Sobolev, R Kind, O Oncken, G Bock, G Asch, B Schurr, ...
Nature 408 (6815), 958-961, 2000
Shear wave anisotropy beneath the Andes from the BANJO, SEDA, and PISCO experiments
J Polet, PG Silver, S Beck, T Wallace, G Zandt, S Ruppert, R Kind, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B3), 6287-6304, 2000
The challenge of installing a tsunami early warning system in the vicinity of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia
J Lauterjung, U Münch, A Rudloff
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (4), 641-646, 2010
Preface "The GITEWS Project (German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System)"
A Rudloff, J Lauterjung, U Münch, S Tinti
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) 9 (4), 1381-1382, 2009
Shear wave anisotropy in the upper mantle beneath the Nazca plate in northern Chile
G Bock, R Kind, A Rudloff, G Asch
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B10), 24333-24345, 1998
Postface "The GITEWS Project-results, summary and outlook"
U Münch, A Rudloff, J Lauterjung
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (3), 765, 2011
Bestimmung von Herdflächenlösungen und detaillierte Spannungsinversionen aus ausgewählten Ereignissen des seismologischen Netzes PISCO'94 (Nord-Chile)
A Rudloff
Geoforschungszentrum, 1998
Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure
AY Babeyko, S Lorito, F Hernandez, J Lauterjung, F Løvholt, A Rudloff, ...
Annals of Geophysics 65 (2), 2022
Geotechnik im Dienst der Menschheit-Das Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem im Indischen Ozean
J Lauterjung, U Münch, A Rudloff
Geographische Rundschau 61 (12), 36, 2009
Abschätzung der Erdbebengefährdung in Gebieten geringer Seismizität am Beispiel eines Standortes in Norddeutschland
G Leydecker, JR Kopera, A Rudloff
Entwicklungsstand in Forschung und Praxis auf den Gebieten des …, 1999
The earthquake and tsunami early warning system for the Indian Ocean (GITEWS)
J Lauterjung, A Rudloff, U Münch, DJ Acksel
Early Warning for Geological Disasters: Scientific Methods and Current …, 2014
GITEWS: das Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem für den Indischen Ozean
J Lauterjung, W Hanka, T Schöne, M Ramatschi, AY Babeyko, J Wächter, ...
System Erde 1 (1), 48-55, 2011
GITEWS--The German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System
J Lauterjung, A Rudloff
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2005, U13A-06, 2005
PISCO 94: Proyecto de Investigación sismológica de la Cordillera Occidental-Parte I: Registro de Sísmos Naturales
G Asch, K Wylegalla, F Graeber, C Haberland, A Rudloff, P Giese, ...
7th Congreso Geológico Chileno (Concepción, Chile 1994), 1994
Geophysical risk: tsunamis
GA Papadopoulos, S Lorito, F Løvholt, A Rudloff, F Schindelé
Science for Disaster Risk Management 2017: Knowing Better and Losing Less …, 2017
Exercise NEAMWAVE 12. A Tsunami Warning and Communication Exercise for the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and Connected Seas Region, 27–28 November 2012, Volume I …
Ö Necmioglu, LM Matias, F Schindelé, J Behrens, R Arthurton, S Tinti, ...
UNESCO, 2012
Mantle structure in Northern Chile derived from passive seismology
G Bock, R Kind, A Rudloff, X Yuan, G Asch
21st General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS)(The Hague …, 1996
PISCO 94-Seismological investigations by a temporary local network in Northern Chile
G Asch, F Graeber, A Rudloff, K Wylegalla
Seismological Research Letters 66 (2), 25, 1995
The German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS)-Past, Present and Future
A Rudloff, J Lauterjung, Gitews Project Team
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, NH12A-03, 2010
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