Qian Shen
Qian Shen
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univerisy
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AaORA, a trichome‐specific AP2/ERF transcription factor of Artemisia annua, is a positive regulator in the artemisinin biosynthetic pathway and in disease resistance to …
X Lu, L Zhang, F Zhang, W Jiang, Q Shen, L Zhang, Z Lv, G Wang, K Tang
New Phytologist 198 (4), 1191-1202, 2013
The Genome of Artemisia annua Provides Insight into the Evolution of Asteraceae Family and Artemisinin Biosynthesis
Q Shen, L Zhang, Z Liao, S Wang, T Yan, P Shi, M Liu, X Fu, Q Pan, ...
Molecular Plant 11 (6), 776-788, 2018
The jasmonate‐responsive AaMYC2 transcription factor positively regulates artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua
Q Shen, X Lu, T Yan, X Fu, Z Lv, F Zhang, Q Pan, G Wang, X Sun, K Tang
New Phytologist 210 (4), 1269-1281, 2016
A basic leucine zipper transcription factor, AabZIP1, connects abscisic acid signaling with artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua
F Zhang, X Fu, Z Lv, X Lu, Q Shen, L Zhang, M Zhu, G Wang, X Sun, ...
Molecular plant 8 (1), 163-175, 2015
HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN 1 is required for jasmonate‐mediated glandular trichome initiation in Artemisia annua
T Yan, M Chen, Q Shen, L Li, X Fu, Q Pan, Y Tang, P Shi, Z Lv, W Jiang, ...
New Phytologist 213 (3), 1145-1155, 2017
GLANDULAR TRICHOME‐SPECIFIC WRKY 1 promotes artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua
M Chen, T Yan, Q Shen, X Lu, Q Pan, Y Huang, Y Tang, X Fu, M Liu, ...
New Phytologist 214 (1), 304-316, 2017
A novel HD‐ZIP IV/MIXTA complex promotes glandular trichome initiation and cuticle development in Artemisia annua
T Yan, L Li, L Xie, M Chen, Q Shen, Q Pan, X Fu, P Shi, Y Tang, H Huang, ...
New Phytologist 218 (2), 567-578, 2018
The roles of AaMIXTA1 in regulating the initiation of glandular trichomes and cuticle biosynthesis in Artemisia annua
P Shi, X Fu, Q Shen, M Liu, Q Pan, Y Tang, W Jiang, Z Lv, T Yan, Y Ma, ...
New Phytologist 217 (1), 261-276, 2018
Jasmonate promotes artemisinin biosynthesis by activating the TCP14-ORA complex in Artemisia annua
YN Ma, DB Xu, L Li, F Zhang, XQ Fu, Q Shen, XY Lyu, ZK Wu, QF Pan, ...
Science advances 4 (11), eaas9357, 2018
OSC2 and CYP716A14v2 catalyze the biosynthesis of triterpenoids for the cuticle of aerial organs of Artemisia annua
T Moses, J Pollier, Q Shen, S Soetaert, J Reed, ML Erffelinck, ...
The Plant Cell 27 (1), 286-301, 2015
Transgenic approach to increase artemisinin content in Artemisia annua L.
K Tang, Q Shen, T Yan, X Fu
Plant cell reports 33 (4), 605-615, 2014
Enhancement of artemisinin content in tetraploid Artemisia annua plants by modulating the expression of genes in artemisinin biosynthetic pathway
X Lin, Y Zhou, J Zhang, X Lu, F Zhang, Q Shen, S Wu, Y Chen, T Wang, ...
Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 58 (1), 50-57, 2011
Light-Induced Artemisinin Biosynthesis Is Regulated by the bZIP Transcription Factor AaHY5 in Artemisia annua
X Hao, Y Zhong, HW Nützmann, X Fu, T Yan, Q Shen, M Chen, Y Ma, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 60 (8), 1747-1760, 2019
Overexpression of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (cyp71av1) and cytochrome P450 reductase (cpr) genes increased artemisinin content in Artemisia annua (Asteraceae)
Q Shen, YF Chen, T Wang, SY Wu, X Lu, L Zhang, FY Zhang, WM Jiang, ...
Genet Mol Res 11 (3), 3298-3309, 2012
AaPDR3, a PDR transporter 3, is involved in sesquiterpene β-caryophyllene transport in Artemisia annua
X Fu, P Shi, Q He, Q Shen, Y Tang, Q Pan, Y Ma, T Yan, M Chen, X Hao, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 723, 2017
Parallel Transcriptional Regulation of Artemisinin and Flavonoid Biosynthesis
D Hassani, X Fu, Q Shen, M Khalid, JKC Rose, K Tang
Trends in Plant Science 25 (5), 466-476, 2020
Branch Pathway Blocking in Artemisia annua is a Useful Method for Obtaining High Yield Artemisinin
Z Lv, F Zhang, Q Pan, X Fu, W Jiang, Q Shen, T Yan, P Shi, X Lu, X Sun, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 57 (3), 588-602, 2016
Interaction of AaTGA6 with Salicylic Acid Signaling Modulates Artemisinin Biosynthesis in Artemisia annua
Z Lv, Z Guo, L Zhang, F Zhang, W Jiang, Q Shen, X Fu, T Yan, P Shi, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019
Overexpression of AaWRKY1 Leads to an Enhanced Content of Artemisinin in Artemisia annua
W Jiang, X Fu, Q Pan, Y Tang, Q Shen, Z Lv, T Yan, P Shi, L Li, L Zhang, ...
BioMed Research International 2016 (1), 7314971, 2016
Transcriptome Analysis of Genes Associated with the Artemisinin Biosynthesis by Jasmonic Acid Treatment under the Light in Artemisia annua
X Hao, Y Zhong, X Fu, Z Lv, Q Shen, T Yan, P Shi, Y Ma, M Chen, X Lv, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 971, 2017
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