Marco Maffione
Marco Maffione
Associate Professor, University of Birmingham
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Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
DJJ Van Hinsbergen, TH Torsvik, SM Schmid, LC Maţenco, M Maffione, ...
Gondwana Research 81, 79-229, 2020
A record of spontaneous subduction initiation in the Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc
RJ Arculus, O Ishizuka, KA Bogus, M Gurnis, R Hickey-Vargas, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (9), 728-733, 2015
Forced subduction initiation recorded in the sole and crust of the Semail Ophiolite of Oman
C Guilmette, MA Smit, DJJ van Hinsbergen, D Gürer, F Corfu, B Charette, ...
Nature Geoscience 11 (9), 688-695, 2018
Forearc hyperextension dismembered the south Tibetan ophiolites
M Maffione, DJJ Van Hinsbergen, LMT Koornneef, C Guilmette, K Hodges, ...
Geology 43 (6), 475-478, 2015
Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 1. Oceanic detachment fault inversion and the formation of supra‐subduction zone ophiolites
M Maffione, C Thieulot, DJJ van Hinsbergen, A Morris, O Plümper, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1753-1770, 2015
Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey
DJJ Van Hinsbergen, M Maffione, A Plunder, N Kaymakcı, M Ganerød, ...
Tectonics 35 (4), 983-1014, 2016
Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 2. Suprasubduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
DJJ Van Hinsbergen, K Peters, M Maffione, W Spakman, C Guilmette, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1771-1785, 2015
Lower Cretaceous Xigaze ophiolites formed in the Gangdese forearc: Evidence from paleomagnetism, sediment provenance, and stratigraphy
W Huang, DJJ van Hinsbergen, M Maffione, DA Orme, G Dupont-Nivet, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 415, 142-153, 2015
Kinematics of Late Cretaceous subduction initiation in the Neo‐Tethys Ocean reconstructed from ophiolites of Turkey, Cyprus, and Syria
M Maffione, DJJ van Hinsbergen, GINO de Gelder, FC van der Goes, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (5), 3953-3976, 2017
Eocene rotation of Sardinia, and the paleogeography of the western Mediterranean region
EL Advokaat, DJJ van Hinsbergen, M Maffione, CG Langereis, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 183-195, 2014
A synchronous Alpine and Corsica‐Sardinia rotation
M Maffione, F Speranza, C Faccenna, A Cascella, G Vignaroli, L Sagnotti
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B3), 2008
Reconstructing plate boundaries in the Jurassic neo‐Tethys from the east and west Vardar ophiolites (Greece and Serbia)
M Maffione, DJJ van Hinsbergen
Tectonics 37 (3), 858-887, 2018
Magnetic properties of variably serpentinized peridotites and their implication for the evolution of oceanic core complexes
M Maffione, A Morris, O Plümper, DJJ Van Hinsbergen
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (4), 923-944, 2014
A record of plume-induced plate rotation triggering subduction initiation
DJJ van Hinsbergen, B Steinberger, C Guilmette, M Maffione, D Gürer, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (8), 626-630, 2021
Paleolatitudes of the T ibetan H imalaya from primary and secondary magnetizations of J urassic to L ower C retaceous sedimentary rocks
W Huang, DJJ Van Hinsbergen, MJ Dekkers, E Garzanti, G Dupont‐Nivet, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (1), 77-100, 2015
Kinematic and paleomagnetic restoration of the Semail ophiolite (Oman) reveals subduction initiation along an ancient Neotethyan fracture zone
DJJ Van Hinsbergen, M Maffione, LMT Koornneef, C Guilmette
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 518, 183-196, 2019
High-resolution record reveals climate-driven environmental and sedimentary changes in an active rift
LC McNeill, DJ Shillington, GDO Carter, JD Everest, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3116, 2019
Paleomagnetic evidence for a pre-early Eocene (∼ 50 Ma) bending of the Patagonian orocline (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina): Paleogeographic and tectonic implications
M Maffione, F Speranza, C Faccenna, E Rossello
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 289 (1-2), 273-286, 2010
Did Adria rotate relative to Africa?
DJJ Van Hinsbergen, M Mensink, CG Langereis, M Maffione, L Spalluto, ...
Solid Earth 5 (2), 611-629, 2014
Bending of the Bolivian orocline and growth of the central Andean plateau: Paleomagnetic and structural constraints from the Eastern Cordillera (22–24 S, NW Argentina)
M Maffione, F Speranza, C Faccenna
Tectonics 28 (4), 2009
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