Xue Yu
Xue Yu
Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota
Потвърден имейл адрес: undeerc.org
Soil mercury and its response to atmospheric mercury deposition across the northeastern United States
X Yu, CT Driscoll, RAF Warby, M Montesdeoca, CE Johnson
Ecological Applications 24 (4), 812-822, 2014
Spatial patterns of mercury in biota of Adirondack, New York lakes
X Yu, CT Driscoll, M Montesdeoca, D Evers, M Duron, K Williams, ...
Ecotoxicology 20, 1543-1554, 2011
Equivalent porous media (EPM) simulation of groundwater hydraulics and contaminant transport in karst aquifers
R Ghasemizadeh, X Yu, C Butscher, F Hellweger, I Padilla, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0138954, 2015
Modeling and mapping of atmospheric mercury deposition in Adirondack Park, New York
X Yu, CT Driscoll, J Huang, TM Holsen, BD Blackwell
PLoS one 8 (3), e59322, 2013
Spatiotemporal changes of CVOC concentrations in karst aquifers: analysis of three decades of data from Puerto Rico
X Yu, R Ghasemizadeh, I Padilla, C Irizarry, D Kaeli, A Alshawabkeh
Science of the Total Environment 511, 1-10, 2015
Patterns of temporal scaling of groundwater level fluctuation
AA Xue Yu, Reza Ghasemizadeh, Ingrid Y Padilla, David Kaeli
Journal of Hydrology 536, 485-495, 2016
Metastable Phase Equilibrium in the Aqueous Ternary System K2SO4+MgSO4+H2O at (288.15 and 308.15) K
T Deng, X Yu, D Li
Journal of solution chemistry 38, 27-34, 2009
Potential influence of temperature and precipitation on preterm birth rate in Puerto Rico
X Yu, Z Feric, JF Cordero, JD Meeker, A Alshawabkeh
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16106, 2018
Prediction of organic compound aqueous solubility using machine learning: a comparison study of descriptor-based and fingerprints-based models
A Tayyebi, AS Alshami, Z Rabiei, X Yu, N Ismail, MJ Talukder, J Power
Journal of Cheminformatics 15 (1), 99, 2023
Can machine learning methods guide gas separation membranes fabrication?
A Tayyebi, AS Alshami, X Yu, E Kolodka
Journal of Membrane Science Letters 2 (2), 100033, 2022
Sociodemographic patterns of household water-use costs in Puerto Rico
AA Xue Yu, Reza Ghasemizadeh, Ingrid Padilla, John D Meeker, Jose F. Cordero
Science of the Total Environment 524, 300-309, 2015
Investigating enhanced oil recovery in unconventional reservoirs based on field case review, laboratory, and simulation studies
J Zhao, L Jin, NA Azzolina, X Wan, X Yu, JA Sorensen, BA Kurz, ...
Energy & Fuels 36 (24), 14771-14788, 2022
Improved regional groundwater flow modeling using drainage features: a case study of the central northern karst aquifer system of Puerto Rico (USA)
R Ghasemizadeh, X Yu, C Butscher, IY Padilla, A Alshawabkeh
Hydrogeology journal 24 (6), 1463, 2016
Optimizing conformance control for gas injection EOR in unconventional reservoirs
L Jin, X Wan, NA Azzolina, NW Bosshart, J Zhao, Y Yu, X Yu, SA Smith, ...
Fuel 324, 124523, 2022
Membrane science meets machine learning: future and potential use in assisting membrane material design and fabrication
MJ Talukder, AS Alshami, A Tayyebi, N Ismail, X Yu
Separation & Purification Reviews 53 (2), 216-229, 2024
Simulation of regional karst aquifer system and assessment of groundwater resources in Manatí-Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
B Maihemuti, R Ghasemizadeh, X Yu, I Padilla, AN Alshawabkeh
Journal of water resource and protection 7 (12), 909, 2015
Metastable Phase Equilibrium in the Aqueous Quaternary System (Li2SO4 + K2SO4 + MgSO4 + H2O) at 288.15 K
T Deng, X Yu, B Sun
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 53 (11), 2496-2500, 2008
Applying Reservoir Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Optimize Fracture Characterization and CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in Unconventional …
X Wan, L Jin, NA Azzolina, SK Butler, X Yu, J Zhao
Energies 15 (21), 8266, 2022
Long-term monitoring and assessment of mercury based on integrated sampling efforts using the common loon, prey fish, water, and sediment
N Schoch, A Jackson, M Duron, DC Evers, M Glennon, CT Driscoll, X Yu, ...
Biodiversity Research Institute, Report BRI 28, 2011
Optimization of operational strategies for rich gas enhanced oil recovery based on a pilot test in the Bakken tight oil reservoir
X Wan, L Jin, NA Azzolina, J Zhao, X Yu, SA Smith, JA Sorensen
Petroleum Science 20 (5), 2921-2938, 2023
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