Kathrin Steffen
Kathrin Steffen
Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway
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The IOC consensus statement: beyond the female athlete triad—relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S)
M Mountjoy, J Sundgot-Borgen, L Burke, S Carter, N Constantini, ...
British journal of sports medicine 48 (7), 491-497, 2014
Comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in young female footballers: cluster randomised controlled trial
T Soligard, G Myklebust, K Steffen, I Holme, H Silvers, M Bizzini, A Junge, ...
Bmj 337, 2008
Sports injuries and illnesses during the London Summer Olympic Games 2012
L Engebretsen, T Soligard, K Steffen, JM Alonso, M Aubry, R Budgett, ...
British journal of sports medicine 47 (7), 407-414, 2013
Preventing injuries in female youth football–a cluster‐randomized controlled trial
K Steffen, G Myklebust, OE Olsen, I Holme, R Bahr
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 18 (5), 605-614, 2008
High adherence to a neuromuscular injury prevention programme (FIFA 11+) improves functional balance and reduces injury risk in Canadian youth female football players: a …
K Steffen, CA Emery, M Romiti, J Kang, M Bizzini, J Dvorak, CF Finch, ...
British journal of sports medicine 47 (12), 794-802, 2013
Compliance with a comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in youth football
T Soligard, A Nilstad, K Steffen, G Myklebust, I Holme, J Dvorak, R Bahr, ...
British journal of sports medicine 44 (11), 787-793, 2010
Sports injury and illness incidence in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic summer games: a prospective study of 11274 athletes from 207 countries
T Soligard, K Steffen, D Palmer, JM Alonso, R Bahr, AD Lopes, J Dvorak, ...
British journal of sports medicine 51 (17), 1265-1271, 2017
Sports injuries and illnesses during the Winter Olympic Games 2010
L Engebretsen, K Steffen, JM Alonso, M Aubry, J Dvorak, A Junge, ...
British journal of sports medicine 44 (11), 772-780, 2010
The vertical drop jump is a poor screening test for ACL injuries in female elite soccer and handball players: a prospective cohort study of 710 athletes
T Krosshaug, K Steffen, E Kristianslund, A Nilstad, KM Mok, G Myklebust, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 44 (4), 874-883, 2016
Injury and illness definitions and data collection procedures for use in epidemiological studies in Athletics (track and field): consensus statement
T Timpka, JM Alonso, J Jacobsson, A Junge, P Branco, B Clarsen, ...
British journal of sports medicine 48 (7), 483-490, 2014
IOC consensus paper on the use of platelet-rich plasma in sports medicine
L Engebretsen, K Steffen, J Alsousou, E Anitua, N Bachl, R Devilee, ...
British journal of sports medicine 44 (15), 1072-1081, 2010
Sports injuries and illnesses in the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
T Soligard, K Steffen, D Palmer-Green, M Aubry, ME Grant, W Meeuwisse, ...
British journal of sports medicine 49 (7), 441-447, 2015
Performance aspects of an injury prevention program: a ten‐week intervention in adolescent female football players
K Steffen, HM Bakka, G Myklebust, R Bahr
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 18 (5), 596-604, 2008
Risk factors for lower extremity injuries in elite female soccer players
A Nilstad, TE Andersen, R Bahr, I Holme, K Steffen
The American journal of sports medicine 42 (4), 940-948, 2014
Risk of injury on artificial turf and natural grass in young female football players
K Steffen, TE Andersen, R Bahr
British journal of sports medicine 41 (suppl 1), i33-i37, 2007
The IOC relative energy deficiency in sport clinical assessment tool (RED-S CAT)
M Mountjoy, J Sundgot-Borgen, L Burke, S Carter, N Constantini, ...
British journal of sports medicine, 2015
High prevalence of shoulder pain among elite N orwegian female handball players
G Myklebust, L Hasslan, R Bahr, K Steffen
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 23 (3), 288-294, 2013
Evaluation of how different implementation strategies of an injury prevention programme (FIFA 11+) impact team adherence and injury risk in Canadian female youth football …
K Steffen, WH Meeuwisse, M Romiti, J Kang, C McKay, M Bizzini, ...
British journal of sports medicine 47 (8), 480-487, 2013
Self‐reported psychological characteristics as risk factors for injuries in female youth football
K Steffen, AM Pensgaard, R Bahr
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 19 (3), 442-451, 2009
More data needed on injury risk among young elite athletes
K Steffen, L Engebretsen
British journal of sports medicine 44 (7), 485-489, 2010
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