RYU, Heungjin
RYU, Heungjin
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
Потвърден имейл адрес: kyoto-u.jp
Why do wild bonobos not use tools like chimpanzees do?
T Furuichi, C Sanz, K Koops, T Sakamaki, H Ryu, N Tokuyama, D Morgan
Behaviour 152 (3-4), 425-460, 2015
Increased Frequency of Intergroup Encounters in Wild Bonobos (Pan paniscus) Around the Yearly Peak in Fruit Abundance at Wamba
T Sakamaki, H Ryu, K Toda, N Tokuyama, T Furuichi
International Journal of Primatology 39, 685-704, 2018
Intergroup Transfer of Females and Social Relationships Between Immigrants and Residents in Bonobo (Pan paniscus) Societies
T Sakamaki, I Behncke, M Laporte, M Mulavwa, H Ryu, H Takemoto, ...
Dispersing primate females: life history and social strategies in male …, 2015
Prolonged maximal sexual swelling in wild bonobos facilitates affiliative interactions between females
H Ryu, DA Hill, T Furuichi
Behaviour 152 (3-4), 285-311, 2015
Physical, behavioral, and hormonal changes in the resumption of sexual receptivity during postpartum infertility in female bonobos at Wamba
C Hashimoto, H Ryu, K Mouri, K Shimizu, T Sakamaki, T Furuichi
Primates 63 (2), 109-121, 2022
Androgen receptor and monoamine oxidase polymorphism in wild bonobos
C Garai, T Furuichi, Y Kawamoto, H Ryu, M Inoue-Murayama
Meta gene 2, 831-843, 2014
Long-sightedness in old wild bonobos during grooming
H Ryu, KE Graham, T Sakamaki, T Furuichi
Current Biology 26 (21), R1131-R1132, 2016
Age and sex differences in juvenile bonobos in party associations with their mothers at Wamba
K Toda, H Ryu, T Furuichi
Primates 62 (1), 19-27, 2021
Do female bonobos (Pan paniscus) disperse at the onset of puberty? Hormonal and behavioral changes related to their dispersal timing
K Toda, K Mouri, H Ryu, T Sakamaki, N Tokuyama, T Yokoyama, ...
Hormones and Behavior 142, 105159, 2022
Occurrence and transmission of flu-like illness among neighboring bonobo groups at Wamba
H Ryu, DA Hill, T Sakamaki, C Garai, N Tokuyama, T Furuichi
Primates 61, 775-784, 2020
Responses toward a trapped animal by wild bonobos at Wamba
M Hayashi, G Ohashi, HJ Ryu
Animal cognition 15, 731-735, 2012
The effects of visitors and social isolation from a peer on the behavior of a mixed-species pair of captive gibbons
S Lee, H Ryu, Y Yi, S Jang, H Gye, A Choi, H Cho, B Lee, JC Choe
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 19706, 2022
Dispersing primate females
T Sakamaki, I Behncke, M Laporte, M Mulavwa, H Ryu, H Takemoto, ...
Springer, 2015
Tower construction by the manicure crab Cleistostoma dilatatum during dry periods on an intertidal mudflat
TW Kim, HJ Ryu, JB Choi, JC Choe
Journal of ethology 29, 459-465, 2011
Do males know? Evidence-driven rainmaking mating strategy by male bonobos to meet the fertile window of females
H Ryu, C Hashimoto, DA Hill, K Mouri, K Shimizu, T Furuichi
bioRxiv, 2022.03. 13.483391, 2022
The complete mitochondrial genome of the far Eastern myotis: Myotis bombinus Thomas, 1906 in mainland of Korea (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
B Kim, Y Bae, J Lee, J Park, YS Choi, H Ryu, SS Kim
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6 (2), 615-616, 2021
Mechanisms and socio-sexual functions of female sexual swelling, and male mating strategies in wild bonobos
H Ryu
Kyoto University, 2017
Urinary creatinine varies with microenvironment and sex in hibernating Greater Horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in Korea
H Ryu, K Kinoshita, S Joo, SS Kim
BMC Ecology and Evolution 21 (1), 77, 2021
Increased urinary creatinine during hibernation and day roosting in the Eastern bent-winged bat (Miniopterus fuliginosus) in Korea
H Ryu, K Kinoshita, S Joo, YS Choi, SS Kim
Communications Biology 7 (1), 42, 2024
An Infant Bonobo Mimicked a Handicapped Motor Action of a Disabled Individual at Wamba in the Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo
K Toda, H Ryu, M Hayashi, T Furuichi
Pan Africa News 23 (1), 3-5, 2016
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