Mahmoud Jomehpour
Mahmoud Jomehpour
Professor of Urban and Regional planning, Allameh Tabataba'i university
Потвърден имейл адрес: atu.ac.ir
Qanat irrigation systems as important and ingenious agricultural heritage: case study of the qanats of Kashan, Iran
M Jomehpour
International Journal of Environmental Studies 66 (3), 297-315, 2009
Effect of tourism on sustainable rural livelihoods (Case study: Baraghan village-Savojbolagh County)
M Jomehpour, S Ahmadi
JOURNAL OF RURAL RESEARCH 2 (15), 33-62, 2011
An investigation on shaping local waste management services based on public participation: A case study of Amol, Mazandaran Province, Iran
M Jomehpour, M Behzad
Environmental Development 35, 100519, 2020
Conservation management of geotourism attractions in tourism destinations
A Pourfaraj, E Ghaderi, M Jomehpour, S Ferdowsi
Geoheritage 12 (4), 80, 2020
Nomadic livelihood resilience through tourism
F Shekari, M Ziaee, A Faghihi, M Jomehpour
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 3 (1), 100034, 2022
Assessing the livability of the new and old parts of Tehran, municipality districts 22 and 10 of Tehran
M Jomehpour
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (09), 87-96, 2015
Analyzing vulnerability of geotouristic atractions in tourism destinations
A Pourfaraj, E Ghaderi, M Jomehpour
Environmental Erosion Research Journal 9 (3), 23-42, 2019
Explaining the principles, dimensions and components of the ecological city approach (case study of Bojnourd city)
M Jomehpour, SS Ettehad, F Nourian
Geographical Urban Planning Research (GUPR) 8 (2), 391-413, 2020
Ranking of livelihood capitals in mountain tourism villages case: Bala-Taloqan Rural District in Taloqan County
M Ghadiri Masoum, M Rezvani, M Jomepour, H Baghiani
Explaining the level of livability and quality of life in surrounding village (casestudy: the Central City of Shariar)
M Jomepour, S Tahmasbi Tehrani
Physical Social Planning 1 (3), 49-60, 2013
Explanation of the rate of livability and quality of life in urban villages: Case study of central part of Shahriar city
M Jomepour, S Tahmasebi Tehrani
Journal of Physical-Spatial Planning 1 (3), 49-60, 0
Study of urban lifestyle changes in crises, with emphasis on Covid-19 disease
SS Ettehad, M Jomehpour, S Isaloo
Disaster Prevention and Management Knowledge (quarterly) 11 (1), 81-95, 2021
Conservation Management of Geotourism Attractions in Tourism Destinations. Geoheritage, 12 (4), 1-21
A Pourfaraj, E Ghaderi, M Jomehpour, S Ferdowsi
The effectiveness of marital life enrichment program education on balanced emotional empathy and responsibility of the couples
M Jomepour, M Mahmoudipour
Family Pathology, Counseling & Enrichment 4 (2), 29-42, 2019
Social capital change: Investigating old and new generations of rural communities. Case study: ghasran rural district, shemiranat region, Tehran
M Goudarzi, N Aghamohseni, M Jomehpour
Journal of Social Service Research 42 (5), 576-583, 2016
تاثير گردشگري بر معيشت پايدار روستايي (مطالعه موردي: روستاي برغان، شهرستان ساوجبلاغ)
محمود جمعه پور, شكوفه احمدي
پژوهش هاي روستايي 2, 33-62, 0
Spatial and temporal zoning of watershed resilience using a multidimensional composition approach
P Farzi, SH Sadeghi, M Jomehpour
Natural Resource Modeling 36 (2), e12362, 2023
Identifying strategic priorities for the sustainable development of rural areas based on local community planning
M Jomehpour
Sustainable Rural Development 1 (2), 161-170, 2017
Investigating Range Conservation Strategies with participatory approach and combining AHP & SWOT method, Case study: Hamedan Province
H Vejdani, S Rostami, M Taleshi, E Ali Akbari, M Jomepour
Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research 26 (4), 800-808, 2019
Investigating the role of small cities in developing rural regions with emphasis on quality of life: Case study of Firoozabad rural district in Selseleh town
M Jomehpour, B Rashnoodi
Community Development (Rural and Urban) 3 (1), 45-64, 2011
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