Abner de Siervo
Abner de Siervo
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Physics, Institute of Physics, State University of Campinas,
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Reagentless and sub-minute laser-scribing treatment to produce enhanced disposable electrochemical sensors via additive manufacture
DP Rocha, VN Ataide, A de Siervo, JM Gonçalves, RAA Muñoz, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 425, 130594, 2021
Reagentless fabrication of a porous graphene-like electrochemical device from phenolic paper using laser-scribing
LF Mendes, A de Siervo, WR de Araujo, TRLC Paixão
Carbon 159, 110-118, 2020
XPS and XAES study of Ag–Pd and Cu–Ni alloys: spectra, shifts and electronic structure information
PF Barbieri, A De Siervo, MF Carazzolle, R Landers, GG Kleiman
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 135 (2), 113-118, 2004
Atomic surface structure of graphene and its buffer layer on SiC (0001): A chemical-specific photoelectron diffraction approach
LH De Lima, A De Siervo, R Landers, GA Viana, AMB Goncalves, ...
Physical Review B 87 (8), 081403, 2013
An assessment of biomedical CoCrMo alloy fabricated by direct metal laser sintering technique for implant applications
D de Castro Girão, M Béreš, AL Jardini, R Maciel Filho, CC Silva, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 107, 110305, 2020
New in situ Blends of Polyaniline and Cardanol Bio‐Resins
FG Souza Jr, P Richa, A de Siervo, GE Oliveira, CHM Rodrigues, M Nele, ...
Macromolecular materials and engineering 293 (8), 675-683, 2008
Reactive oxygen plasma treatment of 3D-printed carbon electrodes towards high-performance electrochemical sensors
JFS Pereira, RG Rocha, SVF Castro, AF Joao, PHS Borges, DP Rocha, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 347, 130651, 2021
Lithium insertion and electrochromism in polycrystalline molybdenum oxide films
FF Ferreira, TGS Cruz, MCA Fantini, MH Tabacniks, SC de Castro, ...
Solid State Ionics 136, 357-363, 2000
Fe and Mo valences in Sr2FeMoO6
MS Moreno, JE Gayone, M Abbate, A Caneiro, D Niebieskikwiat, ...
Solid state communications 120 (4), 161-164, 2001
Pd on Cu (111) studied by photoelectron diffraction
A De Siervo, EA Soares, R Landers, TA Fazan, J Morais, GG Kleiman
Surface science 504, 215-222, 2002
“Inverted” porphyrins: a distorted adsorption geometry of free-base porphyrins on Cu (111)
M Lepper, J Köbl, T Schmitt, M Gurrath, A de Siervo, MA Schneider, ...
Chemical Communications 53 (58), 8207-8210, 2017
The U11 PGM beam line at the Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Laboratory
JC Cezar, PT Fonseca, G Rodrigues, ARB de Castro, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 425 (7), 072015, 2013
Atomically Precise Bottom-Up Synthesis of h-BNC: Graphene Doped with h-BN Nanoclusters
N Herrera-Reinoza, AC dos Santos, LH de Lima, R Landers, A de Siervo
Chemistry of Materials 33 (8), 2871-2882, 2021
Robust perpendicular exchange coupling in an ultrathin CoO/PtFe double layer: Strain and spin orientation
AD Lamirand, MM Soares, AY Ramos, HCN Tolentino, M De Santis, ...
Physical Review B 88 (14), 140401, 2013
Flexible metal-free supercapacitors based on multilayer graphene electrodes
G de Souza Augusto, J Scarminio, PRC Silva, A de Siervo, CS Rout, ...
Electrochimica Acta 285, 241-253, 2018
Hafnium silicide formation on Si (100) upon annealing
A De Siervo, CR Flüchter, D Weier, M Schürmann, S Dreiner, C Westphal, ...
Physical Review B 74 (7), 075319, 2006
Patterning quasi-periodic Co 2D-clusters underneath graphene on SiC (0001)
LH de Lima, R Landers, A de Siervo
Chemistry of Materials 26 (14), 4172-4177, 2014
Structural and morphological characterization of Ti6Al4V alloy surface functionalization based on Nb2O5 thin film for biomedical applications
MC de Almeida Bino, WA Eurídice, RV Gelamo, NB Leite, MV da Silva, ...
Applied Surface Science 557, 149739, 2021
Roles of Precursor Conformation and Adatoms in Ullmann Coupling: An Inverted Porphyrin on Cu (111)
JC Moreno-López, DJ Mowbray, A Perez Paz, RC de Campos Ferreira, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (8), 3009-3017, 2019
Growth study of Cu/Pd (111) by RHEED and XPS
A De Siervo, R Paniago, EA Soares, HD Pfannes, R Landers, GG Kleiman
Surface science 575 (1), 217-222, 2005
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