Prof. Mohamed Deriche, Signal & Image Processing
Prof. Mohamed Deriche, Signal & Image Processing
Други именаM. Deriche, Mohammed Deriche, Mohammad Deriche
College of Engineering and IT, Ajman University
Потвърден имейл адрес: ajman.ac.ae
Tracking line segments
OF M. Deriche
Image and vision computing 8 (4), 261-270, 1990
Scale-space properties of the multiscale morphological dilation-erosion
PT Jackway, M Deriche
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 18 (1), 38-51, 2002
Dense disparity map estimation respecting image discontinuities: A PDE and scale-space based approach
L Alvarez, R Deriche, J Sanchez, J Weickert
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 13 (1-2), 3-21, 2002
A new technique for combining multiple classifiers using the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence
A Al-Ani, M Deriche
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 17, 333-361, 2002
Region tracking through image sequences
B Bascle, R Deriche
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 302-307, 1995
Arabic sign language recognition using the leap motion controller
M Mohandes, S Aliyu, M Deriche
2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 960-965, 2014
Recursive filtering and edge tracking: two primary tools for 3D edge detection
O Monga, R Deriche, G Malandain, JP Cocquerez
Image and vision computing 9 (4), 203-214, 1991
A bibliography of pixel-based blind image forgery detection techniques
MA Qureshi, M Deriche
Signal Processing: Image Communication 39, 46-74, 2015
Geodesic active regions for motion estimation and tracking
N Paragios, R Deriche
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 1999
Differential invariants for color images
P Montesinos, V Gouet, R Deriche
Proceedings. Fourteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Cat …, 1998
3D edge detection using recursive filtering: application to scanner images
O Monga, R Deriche, JM Rocchisani
CVGIP: Image Understanding 53 (1), 76-87, 1991
Image-based and sensor-based approaches to Arabic sign language recognition
M Mohandes, M Deriche, J Liu
IEEE transactions on human-machine systems 44 (4), 551-557, 2014
Unsupervised white matter fiber clustering and tract probability map generation: Applications of a Gaussian process framework for white matter fibers
D Wassermann, L Bloy, E Kanterakis, R Verma, R Deriche
NeuroImage 51 (1), 228-241, 2010
The cheetah optimizer: A nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for large-scale optimization problems
MA Akbari, M Zare, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee, S Mirjalili, M Deriche
Scientific reports 12 (1), 10953, 2022
Classifiers combination techniques: A comprehensive review
M Mohandes, M Deriche, SO Aliyu
IEEE Access 6, 19626-19639, 2018
3D registration using a new implementation of the ICP algorithm based on a comprehensive lookup matrix: Application to medical imaging
A Almhdie, C Léger, M Deriche, R Lédée
Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (12), 1523-1533, 2007
Unveiling the hidden assumptions of energy detector based spectrum sensing for cognitive radios
R Umar, AUH Sheikh, M Deriche
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 16 (2), 713-728, 2013
Geodesic active contours for supervised texture segmentation
N Paraagios, R Deriche
Proceedings. 1999 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1999
Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of discrete fractionally differenced Gaussian noise process
M Deriche, AH Tewfik
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 41 (10), 2977-2989, 1993
Towards the design of a consistent image contrast enhancement evaluation measure
MA Qureshi, A Beghdadi, M Deriche
Signal Processing: Image Communication 58, 212-227, 2017
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