André Souto
André Souto
Dep. Informática, Faculdade Ciências, Universidade Lisboa, LASIGE e Instituto de Telecomunicações
Потвърден имейл адрес: fc.ul.pt
The entropy universe
M Ribeiro, T Henriques, L Castro, A Souto, L Antunes, C Costa-Santos, ...
Entropy 23 (2), 222, 2021
Entropy measures vs. Kolmogorov complexity
A Teixeira, A Matos, A Souto, L Antunes
Entropy 13 (3), 595-611, 2011
Qbugs: A collection of reproducible bugs in quantum algorithms and a supporting infrastructure to enable controlled quantum software testing and debugging experiments
J Campos, A Souto
2021 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering (Q …, 2021
Quantum key distribution with quantum walks
C Vlachou, W Krawec, P Mateus, N Paunković, A Souto
Quantum Information Processing 17 (11), 288, 2018
Assessment of disagreement: a new information-based approach
C Costa-Santos, L Antunes, A Souto, J Bernardes
Annals of epidemiology 20 (7), 555-561, 2010
Quantum walk public-key cryptographic system
C Vlachou, J Rodrigues, P Mateus, N Paunković, A Souto
International Journal of Quantum Information 13 (07), 1550050, 2015
Generation and distribution of quantum oblivious keys for secure multiparty computation
M Lemus, MF Ramos, P Yadav, NA Silva, NJ Muga, A Souto, N Paunković, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (12), 4080, 2020
Depth as randomness deficiency
L Antunes, A Matos, A Souto, P Vitányi
Theory of Computing Systems 45, 724-739, 2009
Bit-string oblivious transfer based on quantum state computational distinguishability
A Souto, P Mateus, P Adão, N Paunkovic
Physical Review A 91, 042306, 2015
The smelly eight: An empirical study on the prevalence of code smells in quantum computing
Q Chen, R Câmara, J Campos, A Souto, I Ahmed
2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2023
Experimental quantum cryptography with classical users
F Massa, P Yadav, A Moqanaki, WO Krawec, P Mateus, N Paunković, ...
development 2 (3), 4-5, 2019
Oblivious transfer based on single-qubit rotations
J Rodrigues, P Mateus, N Paunković, A Souto
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (20), 205300, 2017
Low-depth witnesses are easy to find
L Antunes, L Fortnow, A Pinto, A Souto
computational complexity 21, 479-497, 2012
Sophistication as randomness deficiency
F Mota, S Aaronson, L Antunes, A Souto
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 15th International Workshop …, 2013
Using low-density parity-check codes to improve the mceliece cryptosystem
P Branco, P Mateus, C Salema, A Souto
Information Sciences 510, 243-255, 2020
One-way functions using algorithmic and classical information theories
L Antunes, A Matos, A Pinto, A Souto, A Teixeira
Theory of Computing Systems 52, 162-178, 2013
Experimental semi-quantum key distribution with classical users
F Massa, P Yadav, A Moqanaki, WO Krawec, P Mateus, N Paunković, ...
Quantum 6, 819, 2022
Quantum contract signing with entangled pairs
P Yadav, P Mateus, N Paunković, A Souto
Entropy 21 (9), 821, 2019
Light-sae: A lightweight authentication protocol for large-scale iot environments made with constrained devices
P Rosa, A Souto, J Cecílio
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (3), 2428-2441, 2023
Sophistication vs logical depth
L Antunes, B Bauwens, A Souto, A Teixeira
Theory of Computing Systems 60, 280-298, 2017
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