Georgios S.E. Antipas
Georgios S.E. Antipas
Molecular Modelling Laboratory (MML)
Потвърден имейл адрес: mmlpi.ch
Synthesis, characterization and stability ofCr (III) and Fe (III) hydroxides
N Papassiopi, K Vaxevanidou, C Christou, E Karagianni, GSE Antipas
Journal of hazardous materials, 2013
Review of gas atomisation and spray forming phenomenology
GSE Antipas
Maney Publishing, 2013
A CFD analysis of slag properties, electrode shape and immersion depth effects on electric submerged arc furnace heating in ferronickel processing
KT Karalis, N Karkalos, N Cheimarios, GSE Antipas, A Xenidis, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (21-22), 9052-9066, 2016
A XAFS study of plain and composite iron (III) and chromium (III) hydroxides
N Papassiopi, F Pinakidou, M Katsikini, GSE Antipas, C Christou, ...
Chemosphere 111, 169-176, 2014
Modelling of the break up mechanism in gas atomization of liquid metals. Part I: The surface wave formation model
GSE Antipas
Computational Materials Science 35 (4), 416-422, 2006
Gas Atomization of Aluminium Melts: Comparison of Analytical Models
GSE Antipas
Metals, 2012
Modelling of the break up mechanism in gas atomization of liquid metals Part II. The gas flow model
GSE Antipas
Computational Materials Science 46 (4), 955-959, 2009
A Containerless Study of Short-Range Order in High-Temperature Fe-Si-Al-Ca-Mg-Cr-Cu-Ni Oxide Systems
GSE Antipas, L Temleitner, K Karalis, S Kohara, L Pusztai, A Xenidis
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2012
Experimental and First‐Principles Characterization of Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles
GSE Antipas, E Statharas, P Tserotas, N Papadopoulos, E Hristoforou
ChemPhysChem 14 (9), 1934-1942, 2013
Bona-fide method for the determination of short range order and transport properties in a ferro-aluminosilicate slag
KT Karalis, D Dellis, GSE Antipas, A Xenidis
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30216, 2016
Pragmatic analysis of the electric submerged arc furnace continuum
K Karalis, N Karkalos, GSE Antipas, A Xenidis
Royal Society Open Science 4 (9), 170313, 2017
Molecular orbital interactions in glass-forming Zr70Cu30 liquid quasicrystals
GSE Antipas
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 578, 565-570, 2013
Microstructural characterisation of Al―Hf and Al―Li―Hf spray deposits
GSE Antipas, C Lekakou, P Tsakiropoulos
Materials Characterization 62 (4), 402-408, 2011
Quantum chemical calculations predict biological function: The case of T cell receptor interaction with a peptide/MHC Class I.
GSE Antipas, AE Germenis
Frontiers in Chemistry 3 (9), 2015
Solute–solvent interactions and atomic cohesion in GeSe4 and GeSe4In5 metallic glasses
GSE Antipas, E Mangiorou, E Hristoforou
Materials Research Express 1 (1), 015202, 2014
Atomic order and cluster energetics of a 17 wt% Si-based glass versus the liquid phase
GSE Antipas, L Temleitner, K Karalis, L Pusztai, A Xenidis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (45), 454206, 2013
The quantum chemical causality of pMHC-TCR biological avidity: peptide atomic coordination data and the electronic state of agonist N termini
GSE Antipas, AE Germenis
Data In Brief, 2015
Spray forming of al alloys: Experiment and theory
GSE Antipas
Materials Research 15, 131-135, 2012
Experimentally constrained atomic order probing of a Si–Al composite glass
K Karalis, L Temleitner, GSE Antipas, L Pusztai, A Xenidis
Philosophical Magazine 94 (8), 792-800, 2014
Short range order and stability of a mechanically alloyed Cr25Nb75 alloy determined by total scattering and first principles
GSE Antipas
Materials Research 17 (6), 1677-1685, 2014
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