Paolo S Segre
How baleen whales feed: the biomechanics of engulfment and filtration
JA Goldbogen, DE Cade, J Calambokidis, AS Friedlaender, J Potvin, ...
Annual Review of Marine Science 9 (1), 367-386, 2017
Baleen whale prey consumption based on high-resolution foraging measurements
MS Savoca, MF Czapanskiy, SR Kahane-Rapport, WT Gough, ...
Nature 599 (7883), 85-90, 2021
Why whales are big but not bigger: physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants
JA Goldbogen, DE Cade, DM Wisniewska, J Potvin, PS Segre, ...
Science 366 (6471), 1367-1372, 2019
A fundamental avian wing-stroke provides a new perspective on the evolution of flight
KP Dial, BE Jackson, P Segre
Nature 451 (7181), 985-989, 2008
The biophysics of bird flight: functional relationships integrate aerodynamics, morphology, kinematics, muscles, and sensors
DL Altshuler, JW Bahlman, R Dakin, AH Gaede, B Goller, D Lentink, ...
Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (12), 961-975, 2015
Morphology, muscle capacity, skill, and maneuvering ability in hummingbirds
R Dakin, PS Segre, AD Straw, DL Altshuler
Science 359 (6376), 653-657, 2018
Using digital tags with integrated video and inertial sensors to study moving morphology and associated function in large aquatic vertebrates
JA Goldbogen, DE Cade, AT Boersma, J Calambokidis, ...
The Anatomical Record 300 (11), 1935-1941, 2017
Precocial development of locomotor performance in a ground-dwelling bird (Alectoris chukar): negotiating a three-dimensional terrestrial environment
BE Jackson, P Segre, KP Dial
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1672), 3457-3466, 2009
Wingbeat kinematics and motor control of yaw turns in Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna)
DL Altshuler, EM Quicazán-Rubio, PS Segre, KM Middleton
Journal of experimental biology 215 (23), 4070-4084, 2012
Scaling of swimming performance in baleen whales
WT Gough, PS Segre, KC Bierlich, DE Cade, J Potvin, FE Fish, J Dale, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (20), jeb204172, 2019
Burst muscle performance predicts the speed, acceleration, and turning performance of Anna’s hummingbirds
PS Segre, R Dakin, VB Zordan, MH Dickinson, AD Straw, DL Altshuler
Elife 4, e11159, 2015
Hummingbirds generate bilateral vortex loops during hovering: evidence from flow visualization
S Pournazeri, PS Segre, M Princevac, DL Altshuler
Experiments in fluids 54 (1), 1439, 2013
The biomechanical origin of extreme wing allometry in hummingbirds
DA Skandalis, PS Segre, JW Bahlman, DJE Groom, KC Welch Jr, CC Witt, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1047, 2017
Lunge filter feeding biomechanics constrain rorqual foraging ecology across scale
SR Kahane-Rapport, MS Savoca, DE Cade, PS Segre, KC Bierlich, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (20), jeb224196, 2020
The advantages of diving deep: fin whales quadruple their energy intake when targeting deep krill patches
AS Friedlaender, MT Bowers, D Cade, EL Hazen, AK Stimpert, AN Allen, ...
Functional ecology 34 (2), 497-506, 2020
Characterizing Chilean blue whale vocalizations with DTAGs: a test of using tag accelerometers for caller identification
MR Saddler, A Bocconcelli, LS Hickmott, G Chiang, R Landea-Briones, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (22), 4119-4129, 2017
Hydrodynamic properties of fin whale flippers predict maximum rolling performance
PS Segre, DE Cade, FE Fish, J Potvin, AN Allen, J Calambokidis, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (21), 3315-3320, 2016
Body flexibility enhances maneuverability in the world’s largest predator
PS Segre, DE Cade, J Calambokidis, FE Fish, AS Friedlaender, J Potvin, ...
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (1), 48-60, 2019
Scaling of oscillatory kinematics and Froude efficiency in baleen whales
WT Gough, HJ Smith, MS Savoca, MF Czapanskiy, FE Fish, J Potvin, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (13), jeb237586, 2021
Energetic and physical limitations on the breaching performance of large whales
PS Segre, J Potvin, DE Cade, J Calambokidis, J Di Clemente, FE Fish, ...
Elife 9, e51760, 2020
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