Saulius Nargelas
Engineering of a new single-crystal multi-ionic fast and high-light-yield scintillation material (Gd 0.5–Y 0.5) 3 Al 2 Ga 3 O 12: Ce, Mg
M Korzhik, V Alenkov, O Buzanov, G Dosovitskiy, A Fedorov, D Kozlov, ...
CrystEngComm 22 (14), 2502-2506, 2020
Excitation Transfer Engineering in Ce‐Doped Oxide Crystalline Scintillators by Codoping with Alkali‐Earth Ions
E Auffray, R Augulis, A Fedorov, G Dosovitskiy, L Grigorjeva, V Gulbinas, ...
physica status solidi (a) 215 (7), 1700798, 2018
Luminescence rise time in self-activated PbWO4 and Ce-doped Gd3Al2Ga3O12 scintillation crystals
E Auffray, R Augulis, A Borisevich, V Gulbinas, A Fedorov, M Korjik, ...
Journal of Luminescence 178, 54-60, 2016
Subpicosecond luminescence rise time in magnesium codoped GAGG: Ce scintillator
G Tamulaitis, A Vaitkevičius, S Nargelas, R Augulis, V Gulbinas, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
Improvement of the Time Resolution of Radiation Detectors Based on Gd3Al2Ga3O12 Scintillators With SiPM Readout
G Tamulaitis, A Vasil’ev, M Korzhik, A Mazzi, A Gola, S Nargelas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (7), 1879-1888, 2019
Two regimes of carrier diffusion in vapor-deposited lead-halide perovskites
P Scajev, R Aleksiejunas, S Miasojedovas, S Nargelas, M Inoue, C Qin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (39), 21600-21609, 2017
Hole diffusivity in GaAsBi alloys measured by a picosecond transient grating technique
S Nargelas, K Jarašiūnas, K Bertulis, V Pačebutas
Applied Physics Letters 98 (8), 2011
Diffusion-driven and excitation-dependent recombination rate in blue InGaN/GaN quantum well structures
R Aleksiejūnas, K Gelžinytė, S Nargelas, K Jarašiūnas, M Vengris, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (2), 2014
Improvement of the timing properties of Ce-doped oxyorthosilicate LYSO scintillating crystals
G Tamulaitis, E Auffray, A Gola, M Korzhik, A Mazzi, V Mechinski, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 139, 109356, 2020
Improvement of response time in GAGG: Ce scintillation crystals by magnesium codoping
G Tamulatis, G Dosovitskiy, A Gola, M Korjik, A Mazzi, S Nargelas, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (21), 2018
Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response
L Martinazzoli, S Nargelas, P Boháček, R Calá, M Dušek, J Rohlíček, ...
Materials Advances 3 (17), 6842-6852, 2022
Irradiation effects on Gd3Al2Ga3O12 scintillators prospective for application in harsh irradiation environments
E Auffray, G Dosovitskiy, A Fedorov, I Guz, M Korjik, N Kratochwill, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 164, 108365, 2019
Measurement of non-equilibrium carriers dynamics in Ce-doped YAG, LuAG and GAGG crystals with and without Mg-codoping
MT Lucchini, O Buganov, E Auffray, P Bohacek, M Korjik, D Kozlov, ...
Journal of Luminescence 194, 1-7, 2018
Influence of matrix composition and its fluctuations on excitation relaxation and emission spectrum of Ce ions in (Gdx Y1-x) 3Al2Ga3O12: Ce scintillators
S Nargelas, Y Talochka, A Vaitkevičius, G Dosovitskiy, O Buzanov, ...
Journal of Luminescence 242, 118590, 2022
Ultrafast PWO scintillator for future high energy physics instrumentation
M Korzhik, KT Brinkmann, V Dormenev, M Follin, J Houzvicka, D Kazlou, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2022
Multipurpose Ce-doped Ba-Gd silica glass scintillator for radiation measurements
V Dormenev, A Amelina, E Auffray, KT Brinkmann, G Dosovitskiy, F Cova, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
Free carrier absorption in self-activated PbWO4 and Ce-doped Y3 (Al0. 25Ga0. 75) 3O12 and Gd3Al2Ga3O12 garnet scintillators
E Auffray, M Korjik, MT Lucchini, S Nargelas, O Sidletskiy, G Tamulaitis, ...
Optical Materials 58, 461-465, 2016
Timing properties of Ce-doped YAP and LuYAP scintillation crystals
M Korzhik, A Gola, J Houžvička, A Mazzi, S Nargelas, S Sýkorová, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Impact of diffusivity to carrier recombination rate in nitride semiconductors: from bulk GaN to (In, Ga) N quantum wells
R Aleksiejūnas, P Ščajev, S Nargelas, T Malinauskas, A Kadys, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 (8S), 08JK01, 2013
Impact of Alloy-Disorder-Induced Localization on Hole Diffusion in Highly Excited -Plane and -Plane (,) Quantum Wells
R Aleksiejūnas, K Nomeika, O Kravcov, S Nargelas, L Kuritzky, C Lynsky, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (5), 054043, 2020
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