Jonathan G M Lee
Jonathan G M Lee
Senior Lecturer Chemical Engineering, Newcastle University
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Alkaline in situ transesterification of Chlorella vulgaris
S Velasquez-Orta, J Lee, A Harvey
Fuel 94, 544-550, 2012
Development of a foam flotation system for harvesting microalgae biomass
T Coward, JGM Lee, GS Caldwell
Algal Research 2 (2), 135-144, 2013
Evaluation of FAME production from wet marine and freshwater microalgae by in situ transesterification
S Velasquez-Orta, J Lee, A Harvey
Biochemical Engineering Journal 76, 83-89, 2013
Harvesting microalgae by CTAB-aided foam flotation increases lipid recovery and improves fatty acid methyl ester characteristics
T Coward, JGM Lee, GS Caldwell
biomass and bioenergy 67, 354-362, 2014
Applied in situ product recovery in ABE fermentation
V Outram, CA Lalander, JGM Lee, ET Davies, AP Harvey
Biotechnology progress 33 (3), 563-579, 2017
Microalgae for biofuels via thermochemical conversion processes: A review of cultivation, harvesting and drying processes, and the associated opportunities for integrated …
A Aliyu, J Lee, A Harvey
Bioresource Technology Reports 14, 2021
Continuous harvesting of microalgae biomass using foam flotation
MAS Alkarawi, GS Caldwell, JGM Lee
Algal Research 36, 125-138, 2018
The effect of bubble size on the efficiency and economics of harvesting microalgae by foam flotation
T Coward, JGM Lee, GS Caldwell
Journal of Applied Phycology 27, 733-742, 2015
A comparison of the energy use of in situ product recovery techniques for the Acetone Butanol Ethanol fermentation
V Outram, CA Lalander, JGM Lee, ET Davis, AP Harvey
Bioresource technology 220, 590-600, 2016
Microalgae for biofuels: A review of thermochemical conversion processes and associated opportunities and challenges
A Aliyu, J Lee, A Harvey
Bioresource Technology Reports 15, 2021
Loofah-based microalgae and cyanobacteria biocomposites for intensifying carbon dioxide capture
P In-na, AA Umar, AD Wallace, MC Flickinger, GS Caldwell, JGM Lee
Journal of CO2 Utilization 42, 101348, 2020
Immobilising microalgae and cyanobacteria as biocomposites: New opportunities to intensify algae biotechnology and bioprocessing
GS Caldwell, P In-Na, R Hart, E Sharp, A Stefanova, M Pickersgill, ...
Energies 14 (9), 2566, 2021
Pressure drop and flooding in rotating packed beds
JR Hendry, JGM Lee, PS Attidekou
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 151, 107908, 2020
Process intensification for energy saving
RJ Jachuck, J Lee, D Kolokotsa, C Ramshaw, P Valachis, S Yanniotis
Applied thermal engineering 17 (8-10), 861-867, 1997
Triglyceride cracking for biofuel production using a directly synthesised sulphated zirconia catalyst
EJ Eterigho, JGM Lee, AP Harvey
Bioresource technology 102 (10), 6313-6316, 2011
Reactive-extraction of pongamia seeds for biodiesel production
J Porwal, D Bangwal, MO Garg, S Kaul
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2012
Biodiesel Production through Acid Catalyst In Situ Reactive Extraction of Chlorella vulgaris Foamate
ST Al-Humairi, JGM Lee, M Salihu, AP Harvey
Energies 15 (12), 4482, 2022
Textile-based cyanobacteria biocomposites for potential environmental remediation applications
R Hart, P In-Na, MV Kapralov, JGM Lee, GS Caldwell
Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (3), 1525-1540, 2021
Foam flotation can remove and eradicate ciliates contaminating algae culture systems
A Umar, GS Caldwell, JGM Lee
Algal research 29, 337-342, 2018
An Eulerian-Eulerian CFD Simulation of Air-Water Flow in a Pipe Separator
L Afolabi
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 6 (2), 133-149, 2014
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