Abdulkadir, Taofeeq Sholagberu
Abdulkadir, Taofeeq Sholagberu
Dept of Civil and Water Resources Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
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Assessment of socioeconomic inequality based on virus-contaminated water usage in developing countries: a review
B Adelodun, FO Ajibade, JO Ighalo, G Odey, RG Ibrahim, KY Kareem, ...
Environmental Research 192, 110309, 2021
Bagasse Ash as a Replacement For Cement in Concrete Works
TS Abdulkadir, DO Oyejobi, AA Lawal
ACTA Technica Corviniensis - Bulletin of Engineering 7 (Fascicule 3), 71-76, 2014
Sustainable sewage sludge biosorbent activated carbon for remediation of heavy metals: Optimization by response surface methodology
NMY Al-mahbashi, SRM Kutty, AH Jagaba, A Al-nini, AT Sholagberu, ...
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 8, 100437, 2023
Modeling of Hydropower Reservoir Variables for Energy Generation: Neural Network Approach
TS Abdulkadir, AW Salami, AR Anwar, AG Kareem
Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management (EJESM). 6 (3 …, 2013
Evaluation of Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity Factor for Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia
TS Abdulkadir, RUM Muhammad, WY Khamaruzaman, AM Hashim
Journal of Ecological Engineering 17 (3), 1-8, 2016
Kinetic and Prediction Modeling Studies of Organic Pollutants Removal from Municipal Wastewater using Moringa oleifera Biomass as a Coagulant
B Adelodun, MS Ogunshina, FO Ajibade, TS Abdulkadir, HO Bakare, ...
Water 12 (7), 2052, 2020
Significance of intermodal freight modal choice criteria: MCDM-based decision support models and SP-based modal shift policies
A Gohari, AB Ahmad, AT Balasbaneh, A Gohari, R Hasan, AT Sholagberu
Transport Policy 121, 46-60, 2022
A Study of Partial Replacement of Cement with Palm Oil Fuel Ash in Concrete Production
DO Oyejobi, TS Abdulkadir, AT Ahmed
International Journal of Agricultural Technology 12 (4), 619-631, 2016
Effects of palm kernel shells sizes and mix ratios on lightweight concrete
DO Oyejobi, TS Abdulkadir, IT Yusuf, MJ Badiru
Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, 2012
Quantitative analysis of soil erosion causative factors for susceptibility assessment in a complex watershed
TS Abdulkadir, RUM Muhammad, K Wan Yusof, MH Ahmad, SA Aremu, ...
Cogent Engineering 6 (1), 1594506, 2019
Application of Artificial Neural Network Model to the Management of Hydropower Reservoirs along River Niger, Nigeria
TS Abdulkadir, BF Sule, AW Salami
Annals of Faculty Engineering, Hunedoara – International Journal of …, 2012
Application of RUSLE integrated with GIS and remote sensing techniques to assess soil erosion in Anambra State, South-Eastern Nigeria
FO Ajibade, NA Nwogwu, B Adelodun, TS Abdulkadir, TF Ajibade, ...
Journal of Water and Climate Change 11 (S1), 407-422, 2020
Geostatistical Based Susceptibility Mapping of Soil Erosion and Optimization of its Causative Factors: A Conceptual Framework
TS Abdulkadir, RUM Muhammad, WY Khamaruzaman, MH Ahmad
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 12 (11), 2880 - 2895, 2017
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Rainfall of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
TS Abdulkadir, AW Salami, AG Kareem
USEP-RICE, Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering 9 (1), 108-120, 2012
Modelling of flow parameters through subsurface drainage modules for application in BIOECODS
A Sa’id Abdurrasheed, K Wan Yusof, E Hamid Hussein Alqadami, ...
Water 11 (9), 1823, 2019
Comparative assessment of technical efficiencies of irrigated crop production farms: A case study of the large-scale Kampe-Omi irrigation scheme, Nigeria
B Adelodun, AA Mohammed, KA Adeniran, SUO Akanbi, TS Abdulkadir, ...
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 13 (3 …, 2021
Investigation of Rice Husk Ash Cementitious Constituent in Concretes
DO Oyejobi, TS Abdulkadir, VM Ajibola
Journal of Agricultural Technology 10 (3), 533-542, 2014
Route/Modal choice analysis and tradeoffs evaluation of the intermodal transport network of Peninsular Malaysia
A Gohari, A Nasir Matori, KW Yusof, I Toloue, KC Myint, TS Abdulkadir
Cogent Engineering 5 (1), 1-19, 1436948, 2018
SVM-Based Geospatial Prediction of Soil Erosion Under Static and Dynamic Conditioning Factors
RM Muhammad, TS Abdulkadir, WY Khamaruzaman, AM Hashim
MATEC Web of Conferences (ICCOEE) 203, 04004, 2018
Assessment of Neural Networks Performance in Modelling Rainfall Amounts
TS Abdulkadir, AW Salami, AS Aremu, AM Ayanshola, DO Oyejobi
Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment 9 (1), 12-22, 2017
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