Ang Yang
Ang Yang
CSIRO Land and Water
Потвърден имейл адрес: csiro.au
The usefulness of bias constraints in model calibration for regionalisation to ungauged catchments
NR Viney, J Perraud, J Vaze, FHS Chiew, DA Post, A Yang
18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling …, 2009
Assessing the impacts of climate change and dams on floodplain inundation and wetland connectivity in the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia
F Karim, D Dutta, S Marvanek, C Petheram, C Ticehurst, J Lerat, S Kim, ...
Journal of Hydrology 522, 80-94, 2015
The Australian water resource assessment modelling system (AWRA)
J Vaze, N Viney, M Stenson, L Renzullo, A Van Dijk, D Dutta, R Crosbie, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation …, 2013
Characterizing warfare in red teaming
A Yang, HA Abbass, R Sarker
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 36 …, 2006
Intelligent complex adaptive systems
A Yang, Y Shan
IGI Global, 2008
Climate analyses for south-west Western Australia. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO South-West Western Australia Sustainable Yields Project
SP Charles, R Silberstein, J Teng, G Fu, G Hodgson, C Gabrovsek, ...
Details Published by CSIRO© 2010 all rights reserved. This work is copyright …, 2010
WISDOM-II: A network centric model for warfare
A Yang, N Curtis, HA Abbass, R Sarker, M Barlow
Complex Science for a Complex World, 149, 2006
Landscape dynamics in multi–agent simulation combat systems
A Yang, HA Abbass, R Sarker
Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 39-50, 2004
Applications of complex adaptive systems
Y Shan, A Yang
IgI Global, 2008
Development and application of a large scale river system model for National Water Accounting in Australia
D Dutta, J Vaze, S Kim, J Hughes, A Yang, J Teng, J Lerat
Journal of Hydrology 547, 124-142, 2017
Evolving agents for network centric warfare
A Yang, HA Abbass, R Sarker
Proceedings of the 7th annual workshop on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Calibration of river system and landscape models for the Fitzroy, Darwin and Mitchell catchments
J Hughes, A Yang, B Wang, S Marvanek, L Carlin, L Seo, C Petheram, ...
A Technical Report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Northern …, 2017
Climate data and their characterisation for hydrological and agricultural scenario modelling across the Flinders and Gilbert catchments
C Petheram, A Yang
CSIRO, 2013
Land combat scenario planning: A multiobjective approach
A Yang, HA Abbass, R Sarker
Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, 837-844, 2006
Rainfall-runoff modelling for Tasmania. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Tasmania Sustainable Yields Project
NR Viney, DA Post, A Yang, M Willis, KA Robinson, JC Bennett, FLN Ling, ...
CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia 10 (08), 2009
A networked multi-agent combat model: Emergence explained
A Yang
University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, School of …, 2006
Success in evolutionary computation
A Yang, Y Shan, LT Bui
Springer, 2008
Climate analyses for south-west Western Australia
S Charles, R Silberstein, J Teng, G Fu, G Hodgson, C Gabrovsek, J Crute, ...
A Report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO South-West Western …, 2010
Assessment of surface water storage options in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments
C Petheram, L Rogers, G Eades, S Marvanek, J Gallant, A Read, ...
A Technical Report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Flinders and …, 2013
A daily river system model for the Murray-Darling Basin: development, testing and implementation
D Dutta, J Hughes, J Vaze, S Kim, A Yang, G Podger
34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 1057-1066, 2012
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