Jaimie Tiley
Jaimie Tiley
Потвърден имейл адрес: us.af.mil
Exploration and development of high entropy alloys for structural applications
DB Miracle, JD Miller, ON Senkov, C Woodward, MD Uchic, J Tiley
Entropy 16 (1), 494-525, 2014
Grain refinement of cast titanium alloys via trace boron addition
S Tamirisakandala, RB Bhat, JS Tiley, DB Miracle
Scripta materialia 53 (12), 1421-1426, 2005
Quantification of microstructural features in α/β titanium alloys
J Tiley, T Searles, E Lee, S Kar, R Banerjee, JC Russ, HL Fraser
Materials Science and Engineering: A 372 (1-2), 191-198, 2004
Coarsening kinetics of γ′ precipitates in the commercial nickel base Superalloy René 88 DT
J Tiley, GB Viswanathan, R Srinivasan, R Banerjee, DM Dimiduk, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (8), 2538-2549, 2009
Formation of equiaxed alpha in TiB reinforced Ti alloy composites
D Hill, R Banerjee, D Huber, J Tiley, HL Fraser
Scripta Materialia 52 (5), 387-392, 2005
Influence of cooling rate on the development of multiple generations of γ′ precipitates in a commercial nickel base superalloy
ARP Singh, S Nag, JY Hwang, GB Viswanathan, J Tiley, R Srinivasan, ...
Materials characterization 62 (9), 878-886, 2011
Non-classical homogeneous precipitation mediated by compositional fluctuations in titanium alloys
S Nag, Y Zheng, REA Williams, A Devaraj, A Boyne, Y Wang, PC Collins, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (18), 6247-6256, 2012
Mechanisms related to different generations of γ′ precipitation during continuous cooling of a nickel base superalloy
ARP Singh, S Nag, S Chattopadhyay, Y Ren, J Tiley, GB Viswanathan, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (1), 280-293, 2013
Coarsening kinetics of γ′ precipitates in cobalt-base alloys
S Meher, S Nag, J Tiley, A Goel, R Banerjee
Acta Materialia 61 (11), 4266-4276, 2013
Novel mixed-mode phase transition involving a composition-dependent displacive component
S Nag, A Devaraj, R Srinivasan, REA Williams, N Gupta, GB Viswanathan, ...
Physical review letters 106 (24), 245701, 2011
Development of methods for the quantification of microstructural features in α+ β-processed α/β titanium alloys
PC Collins, B Welk, T Searles, J Tiley, JC Russ, HL Fraser
Materials Science and Engineering: A 508 (1-2), 174-182, 2009
Atomic scale structure and chemical composition across order-disorder interfaces
R Srinivasan, R Banerjee, JY Hwang, GB Viswanathan, J Tiley, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (8), 086101, 2009
Additive manufacturing of aerospace alloys for aircraft structures
PA Kobryn, NR Ontko, LP Perkins, JS Tiley
Cost effective manufacture via net-shape processing, 3-1, 2006
Pseudospinodal mechanism for fine α/β microstructures in β-Ti alloys
A Boyne, D Wang, RP Shi, Y Zheng, A Behera, S Nag, JS Tiley, HL Fraser, ...
Acta materialia 64, 188-197, 2014
Self-lubricating carbon nanotube reinforced nickel matrix composites
TW Scharf, A Neira, JY Hwang, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Journal of applied physics 106 (1), 2009
Interface analysis of ultra-high strength carbon nanotube/nickel composites processed by molecular level mixing
JY Hwang, BK Lim, J Tiley, R Banerjee, SH Hong
Carbon 57, 282-287, 2013
Modeling the tensile properties in β-processed α/β Ti alloys
S Kar, T Searles, E Lee, GB Viswanathan, HL Fraser, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 37, 559-566, 2006
Rapid characterization of titanium microstructural features for specific modelling of mechanical properties
T Searles, J Tiley, A Tanner, R Williams, B Rollins, E Lee, S Kar, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 16 (1), 60, 2004
Processing, microstructure, and properties of β titanium alloys modified with boron
S Tamirisakandala, RB Bhat, JS Tiley, DB Miracle
Journal of materials engineering and performance 14, 741-746, 2005
Laser-deposited carbon nanotube reinforced nickel matrix composites
JY Hwang, A Neira, TW Scharf, J Tiley, R Banerjee
Scripta Materialia 59 (5), 487-490, 2008
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