Ravi A. Patel
Diffusivity of saturated ordinary Portland cement-based materials: A critical review of experimental and analytical modelling approaches
RA Patel, QT Phung, SC Seetharam, J Perko, D Jacques, N Maes, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 90, 52-72, 2016
Effective diffusivity of cement pastes from virtual microstructures: Role of gel porosity and capillary pore percolation
RA Patel, J Perko, D Jacques, G De Schutter, G Ye, K Van Bruegel
Construction and Building Materials 165, 833-845, 2018
Multiscale modeling of ion diffusion in cement paste: electrical double layer effects
Y Yang, RA Patel, SV Churakov, NI Prasianakis, G Kosakowski, M Wang
Cement and Concrete Composites 96, 55-65, 2019
A three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method based reactive transport model to simulate changes in cement paste microstructure due to calcium leaching
RA Patel, J Perko, D Jacques, G De Schutter, G Ye, K Van Breugel
Construction and Building Materials 166, 158-170, 2018
A versatile pore-scale multicomponent reactive transport approach based on lattice Boltzmann method: Application to portlandite dissolution
RA Patel, J Perko, D Jacques, G De Schutter, K Van Breugel, G Ye
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 70, 127-137, 2014
Single-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann scheme for advection-diffusion problems with large diffusion-coefficient heterogeneities and high-advection transport
J Perko, RA Patel
Physical Review E 89 (5), 053309, 2014
Pore-scale modeling of nucleation and growth in porous media
H Fazeli, M Masoudi, RA Patel, P Aagaard, H Hellevang
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4 (2), 249-260, 2020
Three-Dimensional Pore-Scale Modeling of Fracture Evolution in Heterogeneous Carbonate Caprock Subjected to CO2-Enriched Brine
H Fazeli, RA Patel, BR Ellis, H Hellevang
Environmental science & technology 53 (8), 4630-4639, 2019
Lattice Boltzmann method based framework for simulating physico-chemical processes in heterogeneous porous media and its application to cement paste
RA Patel
Ghent University, 2016
A multi-level pore scale reactive transport model for the investigation of combined leaching and carbonation of cement paste
RA Patel, SV Churakov, NI Prasianakis
Cement and Concrete Composites 115, 103831, 2021
Effect of pore‐scale mineral spatial heterogeneity on chemically induced alterations of fractured rock: A lattice Boltzmann study
H Fazeli, R Patel, H Hellevang
Geofluids 2018 (1), 6046182, 2018
Okra mucilage act as a potential binder for the preparation of tablet formulation
B Biswal, N Karna, R Patel
Der Pharmacia Lettre 6 (3), 31-39, 2014
Concrete in Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities: Phenomenological Study and Assessment of Long Term Performance
D Jacques, N Maes, J Perko, SC Seetharam, QT Phung, R Patel, A Soto, ...
International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental …, 2013
Activation kinetic model and mechanisms for alkali-activated slag cements
R Caron, RA Patel, F Dehn
Construction and Building Materials 323, 126577, 2022
Microstructure development of slag activated with sodium silicate solution: Experimental characterization and thermodynamic modeling
R Caron, RA Patel, GD Miron, C Le Galliard, B Lothenbach, F Dehn
Journal of Building Engineering 71, 106398, 2023
Compressive behaviour of alkali-activated slag-based concrete and Portland cement concrete incorporating novel multiple hooked-end steel fibres
L Rossi, RA Patel, F Dehn
Materials and Structures 56 (5), 96, 2023
Quantification of leaching kinetics in OPC mortars via a mesoscale model
SC Seetharam, RA Patel, J Perko, D Jacques
Construction and Building Materials 180, 614-628, 2018
Lattice Boltzmann based multicomponent reactive transport model coupled with geochemical solver for pore scale simulations
RA Patel, J Perko, D Jacques, G De Schutter, G Ye, K Van Breugel
COUPLED V: proceedings of the V International Conference on Computational …, 2013
Comparative study of probabilistic modeling approaches for chloride ingress in concrete structures with macro‐cracks
AL Schultheiß, RA Patel, M Vogel, F Dehn
Structural Concrete 24 (1), 345-358, 2023
Coupling of multiscale lattice Boltzmann discrete-element method for reactive particle fluid flows
ML Maier, RA Patel, NI Prasianakis, SV Churakov, H Nirschl, MJ Krause
Physical Review E 103 (3), 033306, 2021
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