Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars
Prof. in Computing, Bina Nusantara university
Потвърден имейл адрес: binus.edu - Начална страница
Intelligent traffic monitoring system (ITMS) for smart city based on IoT monitoring
AS Putra, HLHS Warnars
2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference …, 2018
The accuracy comparison among word2vec, glove, and fasttext towards convolution neural network (cnn) text classification
EM Dharma, FL Gaol, H Warnars, B Soewito
J Theor Appl Inf Technol 100 (2), 31, 2022
Learning temporal representation of transaction amount for fraudulent transaction recognition using CNN, Stacked LSTM, and CNN-LSTM
Y Heryadi, HLHS Warnars
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational …, 2017
A Proposed surveillance model in an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
AS Putra, HLHS Warnars, FL Gaol, B Soewito, E Abdurachman
2018 Indonesian association for pattern recognition international conference …, 2018
Gamification in the e-learning process for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
AS Putra, HLHS Warnars, BS Abbas, A Trisetyarso, W Suparta, CH Kang
2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference …, 2018
Software metrics for fault prediction using machine learning approaches: A literature review with PROMISE repository dataset
S Karim, HLHS Warnars, FL Gaol, E Abdurachman, B Soewito
2017 IEEE international conference on cybernetics and computational …, 2017
Learning math through mobile game for primary school students
N Anwar, DP Kristiadi, FA Novezar, PA Tanto, K Septha, P Ardhia, K Evan, ...
Sylwan 164 (5), 346-352, 2020
A proposed framework in an intelligent recommender system for the college student
D Kurniadi, E Abdurachman, H Warnars, W Suparta
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (6), 066100, 2019
The effect of UI, UX and GX on video games
DP Kristiadi, Y Udjaja, B Supangat, RY Prameswara, HLHS Warnars, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational …, 2017
The prediction of scholarship recipients in higher education using k-Nearest neighbor algorithm
D Kurniadi, E Abdurachman, H Warnars, W Suparta
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 434, 012039, 2018
Personalized E-Learning model: A systematic literature review
E Jando, AN Hidayanto, H Prabowo, HLHS Warnars
2017 international conference on information management and technology …, 2017
Implementasi Supervised Emerging Patterns Pada Sebuah Attribut:(Studi Kasus Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (Apbd) Perubahan Pada Pemerintah Dki Jakarta)
S Suaidah, HLHS Warnars, D Damayanti
Prosiding Semnastek (Seminar Nasional Sain dan Teknologi), 2018
Development Conceptual Model and Validation Instrument for E-Learning Succes Model at Universities in Indonesia: Perspectives influence of Instructor's Activities and Motivation
T Titan, E Fernando, DF Murad, HLHS Warnars, K Oktriono
2019 International Congress on Applied Information Technology (AIT), 1-6, 2019
Lstm and simple rnn comparison in the problem of sequence to sequence on conversation data using bahasa indonesia
YD Prabowo, HLHS Warnars, W Budiharto, AI Kistijantoro, Y Heryadi
2018 Indonesian association for pattern recognition international conference …, 2018
Django web framework software metrics measurement using radon and pylint
S Liawatimena, HLHS Warnars, A Trisetyarso, E Abdurahman, B Soewito, ...
2018 Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition International Conference …, 2018
Factors affecting the usage of mobile commerce using technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)
HL Asastani, Harisno, VH Kusumawardhana, HLHS Warnars
2018 Indonesian association for pattern recognition international conference …, 2018
Datawarehouser: A Data Warehouse artist who have ability to understand data warehouse schema pictures
HLHS Warners, R Randriatoamanana
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2205-2208, 2016
Mining frequent pattern with attribute oriented induction high level emerging pattern (AOI-HEP)
S Warnars
2014 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2014
Smart city implementation modelling in Indonesia with integration platform approach
F Anindra, HLHS Warnars, DM Min
2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2018
Smart integrated payment system for public transportation in jakarta
HLHS Warnars, Y Lanita, A Prasetyo, R Randriatoamanana
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 6 (3), 241-249, 2017
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