Katerina Mangaroska
Learning analytics for learning design: A systematic literature review of analytics-driven design to enhance learning
K Mangaroska, M Giannakos
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 12 (4), 516-534, 2018
Learning in smart environments: user-centered design and analytics of an adaptive learning system
B Vesin, K Mangaroska, M Giannakos
Smart Learning Environments 5 (1), 24, 2018
Exploring students' cognitive and affective states during problem solving through multimodal data: Lessons learned from a programming activity
K Mangaroska, K Sharma, D Gašević, M Giannakos
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 38 (1), 40-59, 2022
How good is my feedback? a content analysis of written feedback
AP Cavalcanti, A Diego, RF Mello, K Mangaroska, A Nascimento, ...
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on learning analytics …, 2020
Challenges and opportunities of multimodal data in human learning: The computer science students' perspective
K Mangaroska, R Martinez‐Maldonado, B Vesin, D Gašević
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37 (4), 1030-1047, 2021
Moodoo: indoor positioning analytics for characterising classroom teaching
R Martinez-Maldonado, V Echeverria, J Schulte, A Shibani, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED …, 2020
Cross-platform analytics: A step towards personalization and adaptation in education
K Mangaroska, B Vesin, M Giannakos
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on learning analytics …, 2019
Multimodal Learning Analytics to Inform Learning Design: Lessons Learned from Computing Education.
K Mangaroska, K Sharma, D Gaševic, M Giannakos
Journal of Learning Analytics 7 (3), 79-97, 2020
Architecting analytics across multiple e-learning systems to enhance learning design
K Mangaroska, B Vesin, V Kostakos, P Brusilovsky, MN Giannakos
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (2), 173-188, 2021
Teacher tracking with integrity: What indoor positioning can reveal about instructional proxemics
R Martinez-Maldonado, K Mangaroska, J Schulte, D Elliott, C Axisa, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2020
Learning analytics for learning design: Towards evidence-driven decisions to enhance learning
K Mangaroska, M Giannakos
Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education: 12th European Conference on …, 2017
Elo-rating method: Towards adaptive assessment in e-learning
K Mangaroska, B Vesin, M Giannakos
2019 IEEE 19th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2019
Gaze insights into debugging behavior using learner-centred analysis
K Mangaroska, K Sharma, M Giannakos, H Trætteberg, P Dillenbourg
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
Storytelling with learner data: Guiding student reflection on multimodal team data
GM Fernandez-Nieto, V Echeverria, SB Shum, K Mangaroska, K Kitto, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (5), 695-708, 2021
Information flow and cognition affect each other: Evidence from digital learning
VK Kshitij Sharma, Katerina Mangaroska, Niels van Berkel, Michail Giannakos
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 146, 2021
Evidence for programming strategies in university coding exercises
K Sharma, K Mangaroska, H Trætteberg, S Lee-Cultura, M Giannakos
Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning: 13th European Conference on …, 2018
Adaptive assessment and content recommendation in online programming courses: On the use of Elo-rating
B Vesin, K Mangaroska, K Akhuseyinoglu, M Giannakos
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 2022
Gaze-Driven Design Insights to Amplify Debugging Skills: A Learner-Centred Analysis Approach.
K Mangaroska, K Sharma, M Giannakos, H Træteberga, P Dillenbourg
Journal of Learning Analytics 5 (3), 98-119, 2018
Moodoo the tracker: Spatial classroom analytics for characterising teachers’ pedagogical approaches
R Martinez-Maldonado, V Echeverria, K Mangaroska, A Shibani, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1-27, 2022
Decision support system for planning traffic operations assets
MN Mladenovic, K Mangaroska, MM Abbas
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (3), 05017001, 2017
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