High-quality pre-integrated volume rendering using hardware-accelerated pixel shading K Engel, M Kraus, T Ertl ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 2001 (HWWS'01), 9-16, 2001 | 889 | 2001 |
Word cloud explorer: Text analytics based on word clouds F Heimerl, S Lohmann, S Lange, T Ertl 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'14), 1833-1842, 2014 | 816 | 2014 |
Efficiently using graphics hardware in volume rendering applications R Westermann, T Ertl 25th Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH'98 …, 1998 | 666 | 1998 |
Interactive volume on standard PC graphics hardware using multi-textures and multi-stage rasterization C Rezk-Salama, K Engel, M Bauer, G Greiner, T Ertl ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 2000 (HWWS'00), 109-118, 2000 | 532 | 2000 |
Smart hardware-accelerated volume rendering S Roettger, S Guthe, D Weiskopf, T Ertl, W Strasser Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization (VisSym'03), 231-238, 2003 | 424 | 2003 |
State-of-the-Art of Visualization for Eye Tracking Data T Blascheck, K Kurzhals, M Raschke, M Burch, D Weiskopf, T Ertl STAR Proceedings of EuroVis 2014, 63-82, 2014 | 404 | 2014 |
Spatiotemporal social media analytics for abnormal event detection and examination using seasonal-trend decomposition J Chae, D Thom, H Bosch, Y Jang, R Maciejewski, DS Ebert, T Ertl IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2012 (VAST'12 …, 2012 | 394 | 2012 |
A simple and flexible volume rendering framework for graphics-hardware-based raycasting S Stegmaier, M Strengert, T Klein, T Ertl Volume Graphics 2005 (VG'05), 187-241, 2005 | 390 | 2005 |
Visualization of eye tracking data: A taxonomy and survey T Blascheck, K Kurzhals, M Raschke, M Burch, D Weiskopf, T Ertl Computer graphics forum 36 (8), 260-284, 2017 | 361 | 2017 |
Visualizing ontologies with VOWL S Lohmann, S Negru, F Haag, T Ertl Semantic Web 7 (4), 399-419, 2016 | 309 | 2016 |
Design and development of an indoor navigation and object identification system for the blind A Hub, J Diepstraten, T Ertl ACM Sigaccess Accessibility and Computing, 147-152, 2003 | 299 | 2003 |
Hardware-based ray casting for tetrahedral meshes M Weiler, M Kraus, M Merz, T Ertl IEEE Visualization 2003, 44, 2003 | 286 | 2003 |
Interactive clipping techniques for texture-based volume visualization and volume shading D Weiskopf, K Engel, T Ertl IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 9 (3), 298-312, 2003 | 263 | 2003 |
Hardware-accelerated volume and isosurface rendering based on cell-projection S Röttger, M Kraus, T Ertl IEEE Visualization 2000, 109-116, 2000 | 247 | 2000 |
Level-of-detail volume rendering via 3D textures M Weiler, R Westermann, C Hansen, K Zimmermann, T Ertl IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization 2000 (VolVis'00), 7-13, 2000 | 245 | 2000 |
Public behavior response analysis in disaster events utilizing visual analytics of microblog data J Chae, D Thom, Y Jang, SY Kim, T Ertl, DS Ebert Computers & Graphics 38, 51-60, 2014 | 238 | 2014 |
Real-time exploration of regular volume data by adaptive reconstruction of isosurfaces R Westermann, L Kobbelt, T Ertl The Visual Computer 15 (2), 100-111, 1999 | 238 | 1999 |
Spatiotemporal anomaly detection through visual analysis of geolocated twitter messages D Thom, H Bosch, S Koch, M Wörner, T Ertl IEEE Pacific visualization Symposium 2012 (PacificVis'12),, 41-48, 2012 | 235 | 2012 |
Visual classifier training for text document retrieval F Heimerl, S Koch, H Bosch, T Ertl IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 18 (12 …, 2012 | 208 | 2012 |
Scatterblogs2: Real-time monitoring of microblog messages through user-guided filtering H Bosch, D Thom, F Heimerl, E Puttmann, S Koch, R Krüger, M Wörner, ... IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 19 (12 …, 2013 | 193 | 2013 |