Facilitation in recognizing pairs of words: evidence of a dependence between retrieval operations. DE Meyer, RW Schvaneveldt Journal of experimental psychology 90 (2), 227, 1971 | 4764 | 1971 |
A neural system for error detection and compensation WJ Gehring, B Goss, MGH Coles, DE Meyer, E Donchin Psychological science 4 (6), 385-390, 1993 | 3634 | 1993 |
A computational theory of executive cognitive processes and multiple-task performance: Part 1. Basic mechanisms. DE Meyer, DE Kieras Psychological Review 104, 3-65, 1997 | 2375* | 1997 |
Analysis, experimental results, and range adaptation of magnetically coupled resonators for wireless power transfer AP Sample, DT Meyer, JR Smith IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 58 (2), 544-554, 2010 | 2271 | 2010 |
Executive control of cognitive processes in task switching. JS Rubinstein, DE Meyer, JE Evans Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 27 (4), 763, 2001 | 2260 | 2001 |
Mind the hype: A critical evaluation and prescriptive agenda for research on mindfulness and meditation NT Van Dam, MK Van Vugt, DR Vago, L Schmalzl, CD Saron, A Olendzki, ... Perspectives on psychological science 13 (1), 36-61, 2018 | 1908 | 2018 |
Optimality in human motor performance: ideal control of rapid aimed movements. DE Meyer, RA Abrams, S Kornblum, CE Wright, JE Keith Smith Psychological review 95 (3), 340, 1988 | 1796 | 1988 |
Semantic and conceptual development: An ontological perspective FC Keil Harvard University Press, 1979 | 1151 | 1979 |
An overview of the EPIC architecture for cognition and performance with application to human-computer interaction DE Kieras, DE Meyer Human–Computer Interaction 12 (4), 391-438, 1997 | 1096 | 1997 |
Loci of contextual effects on visual word recognition. D Meyer Attention and performance vol. V., 1975 | 925 | 1975 |
Virtually perfect time sharing in dual-task performance: Uncorking the central cognitive bottleneck EH Schumacher, TL Seymour, JM Glass, DE Fencsik, EJ Lauber, ... Psychological science 12 (2), 101-108, 2001 | 787 | 2001 |
Functions of graphemic and phonemic codes in visual word-recognition DE Meyer, RW Schvaneveldt, MG Ruddy Memory & cognition 2, 309-321, 1974 | 721 | 1974 |
Models for the speed and accuracy of aimed movements. DE Meyer, JE Smith, CE Wright Psychological review 89 (5), 449, 1982 | 550 | 1982 |
Demystification of cognitive insight: Opportunistic assimilation and the prepared-mind hypothesis CM Seifert, DE Meyer, N Davidson, AL Patalano, I Yaniv MIT press, 1994 | 537 | 1994 |
The error-related negativity WJ Gehring, B Goss, MGH Coles, DE Meyer, E Donchin Perspectives on Psychological Science 13 (2), 200-204, 2018 | 534 | 2018 |
Meaning, Memory Structure, and Mental Processes: People's rapid reactions to words help reveal how stored semantic information is retrieved. DE Meyer, RW Schvaneveldt Science 192 (4234), 27-33, 1976 | 491 | 1976 |
Modern mental chronometry DE Meyer, AM Osman, DE Irwin, S Yantis Biological psychology 26 (1-3), 3-67, 1988 | 487 | 1988 |
Activation and metacognition of inaccessible stored information: potential bases for incubation effects in problem solving. I Yaniv, DE Meyer Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 13 (2), 187, 1987 | 481 | 1987 |
Speed—accuracy tradeoffs in aimed movements: Toward a theory of rapid voluntary action DE Meyer, JEK Smith, S Kornblum, RA Abrams, CE Wright Attention and performance XIII, 173-226, 2018 | 459 | 2018 |
Contemplative practices and mental training: Prospects for American education Mind and Life Education Research Network (MLERN):, R J. Davidson, ... Child development perspectives 6 (2), 146-153, 2012 | 458 | 2012 |