Dr. P. Vijayakumar, SMIEEE
Dr. P. Vijayakumar, SMIEEE
Други именаPandi Vijayakumar
Dean, Computer Science & Engineering
Потвърден имейл адрес: jjcet.ac.in
EAAP: Efficient anonymous authentication with conditional privacy-preserving scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks
M Azees, P Vijayakumar, LJ Deboarh
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (9), 2467-2476, 2017
Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
P Vijayakumar, M Azees, A Kannan, L Jegatha Deborah
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (4), 1015 - 1028, 2016
Comprehensive survey on security services in vehicular ad‐hoc networks
M Azees, P Vijayakumar, L Jegatha Deborah
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 10 (6), 379-388, 2016
Homomorphic encryption-based privacy-preserving federated learning in IoT-enabled healthcare system
L Zhang, J Xu, P Vijayakumar, PK Sharma, U Ghosh
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 10 (5), 2864-2880, 2022
Computationally efficient privacy preserving anonymous mutual and batch authentication schemes for vehicular ad hoc networks
P Vijayakumar, V Chang, LJ Deborah, B Balusamy, PG Shynu
Future generation computer systems 78, 943-955, 2018
HomeChain: A blockchain-based secure mutual authentication system for smart homes
C Lin, D He, N Kumar, X Huang, P Vijayakumar, KKR Choo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (2), 818-829, 2019
A robust and efficient password-based conditional privacy preserving authentication and group-key agreement protocol for VANETs
SKH Islam, MS Obaidat, P Vijayakumar, E Abdulhay, F Li, MKC Reddy
Future Generation Computer Systems 84, 216-227, 2018
Privacy-preserving federated learning for internet of medical things under edge computing
R Wang, J Lai, Z Zhang, X Li, P Vijayakumar, M Karuppiah
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 27 (2), 854-865, 2022
Provably secure identity-based signcryption scheme for crowdsourced industrial Internet of Things environments
A Karati, SKH Islam, GP Biswas, MZA Bhuiyan, P Vijayakumar, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2904-2914, 2017
A novel UAV-enabled data collection scheme for intelligent transportation system through UAV speed control
X Li, J Tan, A Liu, P Vijayakumar, N Kumar, M Alazab
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (4), 2100-2110, 2020
A deep learning-based fast fake news detection model for cyber-physical social services
Q Zhang, Z Guo, Y Zhu, P Vijayakumar, A Castiglione, BB Gupta
Pattern Recognition Letters 168, 31-38, 2023
Efficient and secure anonymous authentication with location privacy for IoT-based WBANs
P Vijayakumar, MS Obaidat, M Azees, SKH Islam, N Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (4), 2603-2611, 2019
A lightweight privacy-preserving authentication protocol for VANETs
X Li, T Liu, MS Obaidat, F Wu, P Vijayakumar, N Kumar
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (3), 3547-3557, 2020
Blockchain-based batch authentication protocol for Internet of Vehicles
P Bagga, AK Sutrala, AK Das, P Vijayakumar
Journal of Systems Architecture 113, 101877, 2021
An anonymous batch authentication and key exchange protocols for 6G enabled VANETs
P Vijayakumar, M Azees, SA Kozlov, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (2), 1630-1638, 2021
A novel three-factor authentication protocol for wireless sensor networks with IoT notion
F Wu, X Li, L Xu, P Vijayakumar, N Kumar
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 1120-1129, 2020
Secure multifactor authenticated key agreement scheme for industrial IoT
R Vinoth, LJ Deborah, P Vijayakumar, N Kumar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (5), 3801-3811, 2020
Blockchain-based mutual-healing group key distribution scheme in unmanned aerial vehicles ad-hoc network
X Li, Y Wang, P Vijayakumar, D He, N Kumar, J Ma
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (11), 11309-11322, 2019
Computationally efficient privacy preserving authentication and key distribution techniques for vehicular ad hoc networks
P Vijayakumar, M Azees, V Chang, J Deborah, B Balusamy
cluster computing 20, 2439-2450, 2017
Blockchain-based secure data storage protocol for sensors in the industrial internet of things
J Lu, J Shen, P Vijayakumar, BB Gupta
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (8), 5422-5431, 2021
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