Ahmad Zuri Sha'ameri
Ahmad Zuri Sha'ameri
Associate Professor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Потвърден имейл адрес: fke.utm.my
Analysis and classification of heart sounds and murmurs based on the instantaneous energy and frequency estimations
Z Sharif, MS Zainal, AZ Sha'ameri, SHS Salleh
2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New …, 2000
Adaptive optimal kernel smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville distribution for digital communication signal
JL Tan, AZ Sha'ameri
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2008, 1-17, 2009
Power quality analysis using bilinear time-frequency distributions
AR Abdullah, AZ Sha'ameri
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 1-18, 2011
Underwater acoustic noise characteristics of shallow water in tropical seas
AZ Sha'ameri, YY Al-Aboosi, NHH Khamis
2014 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, 80-83, 2014
A robust parameter estimation of FHSS signals using time–frequency analysis in a non-cooperative environment
A Kanaa, AZ Sha’ameri
Physical Communication 26, 9-20, 2018
Power quality analysis using spectrogram and gabor transformation
AR Abdullah, AZ Sha'ameri, NM Saad
2007 Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, 1-5, 2007
The application of cross correlation technique for estimating impulse response and frequency response of wireless communication channel
Z Sharif, AZ Sha'ameri
2007 5th student conference on research and development, 1-5, 2007
Detection and classification of power quality disturbances using time-frequency analysis technique
AR Abdullah, AZ Sha'ameri, MR Shaari
2007 5th Student Conference on Research and Development, 1-6, 2007
Improved signal de-noising in underwater acoustic noise using S-transform: A performance evaluation and comparison with the wavelet transform
YY Al-Aboosi, AZ Sha'ameri
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2 (3), 172-185, 2017
Implementation of pipelined data encryption standard (DES) using Altera CPLD
TP Chueng, ZM Yusoff, AZ Sha'ameri
2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New …, 2000
Effect of path loss propagation model on the position estimation accuracy of a 3-dimensional minimum configuration multilateration system
AS Yaro, AZ Sha'ameri
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 10 (4), 2018
Identification of different types of partial discharge sources from acoustic emission signals in the time-frequency representation
ML Chai, H Yasmin, PS Ghosh, AZ Sha'ameri, MA Talib
2006 IEEE International Power and Energy Conference, 581-586, 2006
Improved underwater signal detection using efficient time–frequency de-noising technique and Pre-whitening filter
YY Al-Aboosi, AZ Sha'ameri
Applied Acoustics 123, 93-106, 2017
Classification of power quality signals using smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville distribution
ARB Abdullah, AZB Sha'ameri, AB Jidin
2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 1981-1985, 2010
Comparison between the performance of spectrogram and multi-window spectrogram in digital modulated communication signals
TJ Lynn, AZ bin Sha'ameri
2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia …, 2007
Real-time power quality monitoring system based on TMS320CV5416 DSP processor
AR bin Abdullah, AZ bin Sha'ameri
2005 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drives Systems 2 …, 2005
Automatic analysis and classification of digital modulation signals using spectogram time frequency analysis
TJ Lynn, AZ Sha'ameri
2007 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies …, 2007
Classification of airborne radar signals based on pulse feature estimation using time-frequency analysis
AA Ahmad, AZ Sha'ameri
Defence S&T Technical Bulletin 8 (2), 103-120, 2015
Real-time power quality disturbances detection and classification system
NA Abidullah, AR Abdullah, AZ Sha'ameri, NH Shamsudin, NHH Ahmad, ...
World Applied Sciences Journal 32 (8), 1637-1651, 2014
Adaptive optimal kernel smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville bispectrum for digital communication signals
JL Tan, AZ bin Sha’ameri
Signal processing 91 (4), 931-937, 2011
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