Supply chain risk management: Present and future scope A Ghadge, S Dani, R Kalawsky International Journal of Logistics Management 23 (3), 313-339., 2012 | 661 | 2012 |
The impact of Industry 4.0 implementation on supply chains A Ghadge, M Er Kara, H Moradlou, M Goswami Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31 (4), 669-686., 2020 | 624 | 2020 |
A performance measurement system for Industry 4.0 enabled smart manufacturing system in SMMEs- A review and empirical investigation S Kamble, A Gunasekaran, A Ghadge, R Raut International Journal of Production Economics, 229, 107853., 2020 | 397 | 2020 |
Bayesian network modelling for supply chain risk propagation R Ojha, A Ghadge, MK Tiwari, US Bittitci International Journal of Production Research 56 (17), 5795-5819., 2018 | 336 | 2018 |
A systems approach for modelling supply chain risks A Ghadge, S Dani, M Chester, R Kalawsky Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 18 (5), 523-538., 2013 | 335 | 2013 |
Managing climate change risks in global supply chains: A review and research agenda A Ghadge, H Wurtmann, S Seuring International Journal of Production Research 58 (1), 44-64., 2020 | 324 | 2020 |
Managing cyber risk in supply chains: A review and research agenda A Ghadge, M Weiß, N Caldwell, R Wilding Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 25 (2), 223-240., 2020 | 233 | 2020 |
A data mining-based framework for supply chain risk management M Er Kara, S Oktay Fırat, A Ghadge Computers & Industrial Engineering 139, 105570., 2020 | 226 | 2020 |
An integrated lean and green approach for improving sustainability performance: A case study of a packaging manufacturing SME in the UK S Choudhary, R Nayak, M Dora, N Mishra, A Ghadge Production Planning & Control 30 (5-6), 353-368, Open access., 2019 | 210 | 2019 |
Blockchain technology’s impact on supply chain integration and sustainable supply chain performance: Evidence from the automotive industry S Kamble, A Gunasekaran, N Subramanian, A Ghadge et al. Annals of Operations Research, Online, Open access., 2021 | 209 | 2021 |
Blockchain adoption in food supply chains: A review and implementation framework N Vu, A Ghadge, M Bourlakis Production Planning and Control 34 (5), 506–523, Open access., 2023 | 204 | 2023 |
Impact of additive manufacturing on aircraft supply chain performance: A system dynamics approach A Ghadge, G Karantoni, A Chaudhuri, A Srinivasan Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29 (5), 846-865., 2018 | 165 | 2018 |
Implementing environmental practices within the Greek dairy supply chain: Drivers and barriers for SMEs A Ghadge, M Kaklamanou, S Choudhary, M Bourlakis Industrial Management and Data Systems, 117 (9), 1995-2014, Open access, 2017 | 165 | 2017 |
Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in Saudi Arabian organisations: findings from a survey SA Albliwi, J Antony, N Arshed, A Ghadge International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 43 (4), 508-529., 2017 | 131 | 2017 |
Visualisation of ripple effect in supply chains under long-term, simultaneous disruptions: A system dynamics approach A Ghadge, M Er, D Ivanov, A Chaudhuri International Journal of Production Research 60 (20), 6173–6186, Open access., 2022 | 124 | 2022 |
Blockchain implementation in pharmaceutical supply chains: A review and conceptual framework A Ghadge, M Bourlakis, SS Kamble, S Seuring International Journal of Production Research 61 (19), 6633-6651., 2023 | 111 | 2023 |
Sustainability implementation challenges in food supply chains: A case of UK artisan cheese producers A Ghadge, M Er Kara, DG Mogale, S Choudhary, S Dani Production Planning & Control, Online. 32 (14), 1191-1206., 2021 | 111 | 2021 |
Lean Six Sigma journey in a UK higher education institute: A case study J Antony, A Ghadge, SA Ashby, EA Cudney International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 2018 | 106 | 2018 |
Using risk sharing contracts for supply chain risk mitigation: A buyer-supplier power and dependence perspective A Ghadge, S Dani, R Ojha, N Caldwell Computers & Industrial Engineering, 103, 262–270., 2017 | 106 | 2017 |
Link between Industry 4.0 and green supply chain management: Evidence from the automotive industry A Ghadge, DG Mogale, M Bourlakis, LM Maiyar, H Moradlou Computers and Industrial Engineering, 169 (108303), 1-14, Open Access., 2022 | 96 | 2022 |