Yi Shen
A maximum-likelihood procedure for estimating psychometric functions: Thresholds, slopes, and lapses of attention
Y Shen, VM Richards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (2), 957-967, 2012
A MATLAB toolbox for the efficient estimation of the psychometric function using the updated maximum-likelihood adaptive procedure
Y Shen, W Dai, VM Richards
Behavior research methods 47, 13-26, 2015
On loss functions and recurrency training for GAN-based speech enhancement systems
Z Zhang, C Deng, Y Shen, DS Williamson, Y Sha, Y Zhang, H Song, X Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.14974, 2020
Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics
ZE Peng, S Waz, E Buss, Y Shen, V Richards, H Bharadwaj, GC Stecker, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151 (5), 3116-3128, 2022
Comparing adaptive procedures for estimating the psychometric function for an auditory gap detection task
Y Shen
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75, 771-780, 2013
Temporal modulation transfer function for efficient assessment of auditory temporal resolution
Y Shen, VM Richards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (2), 1031-1042, 2013
Attention selectively modulates cortical entrainment in different regions of the speech spectrum
LS Baltzell, C Horton, Y Shen, VM Richards, M D’Zmura, R Srinivasan
Brain research 1644, 203-212, 2016
Gap detection and temporal modulation transfer function as behavioral estimates of auditory temporal acuity using band-limited stimuli in young and older adults
Y Shen
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 57 (6), 2280-2292, 2014
Bayesian adaptive estimation of the auditory filter
Y Shen, VM Richards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (2), 1134-1145, 2013
Rapid estimation of high-parameter auditory-filter shapes
Y Shen, R Sivakumar, VM Richards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4), 1857-1868, 2014
Altering the rhythm of target and background talkers differentially affects speech understanding
JD McAuley, Y Shen, S Dec, GR Kidd
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 3222-3233, 2020
An analysis of individual differences in recognizing monosyllabic words under the speech intelligibility index framework
Y Shen, AB Kern
Trends in hearing 22, 2331216518761773, 2018
Effect of fast-acting compression on modulation detection interference for normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners
Y Shen, JJ Lentz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (6), 3654-3665, 2010
Objective comparison of speech enhancement algorithms with hearing loss simulation
Z Zhang, Y Shen, DS Williamson
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Level dependence in behavioral measurements of auditory-filter phase characteristics
Y Shen, JJ Lentz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126 (5), 2501-2510, 2009
Effects of speech-rhythm disruption on selective listening with a single background talker
JD McAuley, Y Shen, T Smith, GR Kidd
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 83, 2229-2240, 2021
Level dominance for the detection of changes in level distribution in sound streams
VM Richards, Y Shen, C Chubb
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (2), EL237-EL243, 2013
Psychometric functions for sentence recognition in sinusoidally amplitude-modulated noises
Y Shen, NK Manzano, VM Richards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (6), 3613-3624, 2015
Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics: Initial report of the P&P Task Force on Remote Testing
ZE Peng, E Buss, Y Shen, H Bharadwaj, GC Stecker, JA Beim, AK Bosen, ...
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 42 (1), 2020
The effect of speech material on the band importance function for Mandarin Chinese
Y Du, Y Shen, X Wu, J Chen
The Journal of the acoustical society of america 146 (1), 445-457, 2019
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