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222 2004 Ferromagnetic, A-type, and charge-ordered CE-type states in doped manganites using Jahn-Teller phonons S Yunoki, T Hotta, E Dagotto
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203 1993 Charge-orbital ordering and phase separation in the two-orbital model for manganites: Roles of Jahn-Teller phononic and Coulombic interactions T Hotta, AL Malvezzi, E Dagotto
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112 2003 Relativistic Band-Structure Calculations for CeTIn5 (T = Ir and Co) and Analysis of the Energy Bands by Using Tight-Binding Method T Maehira, T Hotta, K Ueda, A Hasegawa
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103 2001 Topological scenario for stripe formation in manganese oxides T Hotta, Y Takada, H Koizumi, E Dagotto
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95 2000 Competition between ferromagnetic and charge-orbital ordered phases in Pr 1− x Ca x MnO 3 for x= 1 4, 3 8, and 1 2 T Hotta, E Dagotto
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