Annemarie Walter
Negative campaigning across different communication channels: Different ball games?
AS Walter, R Vliegenthart
The international journal of press/politics 15 (4), 441-461, 2010
Negative campaigning in Western Europe: Similar or different?
AS Walter
Political Studies 62 (1_suppl), 42-60, 2014
When the Stakes are High: Party Competition and Negative Campaigning
A Walter, W van der Brug, P van Praag
Comparative Political Studies, 2014
Choosing the enemy: Attack behaviour in a multiparty system
AS Walter
Party Politics 20 (3), 311-323, 2014
Conspiracy thinking in Europe and America: A comparative study
AS Walter, H Drochon
Political Studies 70 (2), 483-501, 2022
When the gloves come off: Inter-party variation in negative campaigning in Dutch elections, 1981–2010
AS Walter, W Van der Brug
Acta politica 48, 367-388, 2013
New perspectives on negative campaigning: Why attack politics matters
A Nai, A Walter
Ecpr Press, 2016
The professionals speak: Practitioners’ perspectives on professional election campaigning
J Tenscher, K Koc-Michalska, DG Lilleker, J Mykkänen, AS Walter, ...
European Journal of Communication 31 (2), 95-119, 2016
Voters’ partisan responses to politicians’ immoral behavior
AS Walter, DP Redlawsk
Political Psychology 40 (5), 1075-1097, 2019
The contingency of voter learning: How election debates influenced voters’ ability and accuracy to position parties in the 2010 Dutch election campaign
TWG Van der Meer, A Walter, PV Aelst
Political Communication 33 (1), 136-157, 2016
Explaining the use of attack behaviour in the electoral battlefield: A literature overview
AS Walter, A Nai
New perspectives on negative campaigning: why attack politics matters, 135-153, 2015
The war of words: The art of negative campaigning
A Nai, AS Walter
New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning. Colchester: ECPR, 1-34, 2015
News, discussion, and associative issue ownership: Instability at the micro level versus stability at the macro level
J Kleinnijenhuis, AS Walter
The International Journal of Press/Politics 19 (2), 226-245, 2014
Women on the battleground: Does gender condition the use of negative campaigning?
AS Walter
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 23 (2), 154-176, 2013
Party system change and negative campaigning in New Zealand
TN Ridout, AS Walter
Party politics 21 (6), 982-992, 2015
The Effects of Politician’s Moral Violations on Voters' Moral Emotions
AS Walter, DP Redlawsk
Political Behavior 45 (3), 1191-1217, 2023
Unintended consequences of negative campaigning: Backlash and second-preference boost effects in a multi-party context
AS Walter, C van der Eijk
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 21 (3), 612-629, 2019
Measures of campaign negativity: Comparing approaches and eliminating partisan bias
AS Walter, C Van der Eijk
The International Journal of Press/Politics 24 (3), 363-382, 2019
Introduction: The study of political incivility and its challenges
AS Walter
Political incivility in the parliamentary, electoral and media arena, 1-16, 2021
Do female candidates feel compelled to meet sex-role expectations or are they as tough as men? A content analysis on the gender-specific use of attacks in German televised debates
J Maier, A Nai, AS Walter
New perspectives on negative campaigning: why attack politics matters, 129-146, 2015
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