Pik Raphaël
Pik Raphaël
Потвърден имейл адрес: crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr
Timing of the Ethiopian Flood-Basalt Event and Implications for Plume Birth and Global Change
C Hofmann, V Courtillot, G Feraud, P Rochette, G Yirgu, E Ketefo, R Pik
Nature 389 (6653), 838-841, 1997
Isotopic and trace element signatures of Ethiopian flood basalts: evidence for plume–lithosphere interactions
R Pik, C Deniel, C Coulon, G Yirgu, B Marty
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63 (15), 2263-2279, 1999
Late Cenozoic evolution of the central Longmen Shan, eastern Tibet: insight from (U‐Th)/He thermochronometry
V Godard, R Pik, J Lavé, R Cattin, B Tibari, J De Sigoyer, M Pubellier, ...
Tectonics 28 (5), 2009
The northwestern Ethiopian Plateau flood basalts: classification and spatial distribution of magma types
R Pik, C Deniel, C Coulon, G Yirgu, C Hofmann, D Ayalew
Journal of Volcanology and geothermal Research 81 (1-2), 91-111, 1998
How many mantle plumes in Africa? The geochemical point of view
R Pik, B Marty, DR Hilton
Chemical Geology 226 (3-4), 100-114, 2006
Placing limits to shortening evolution in the Pyrenees: Role of margin architecture and implications for the Iberia/Europe convergence
F Mouthereau, PY Filleaudeau, A Vacherat, R Pik, O Lacombe, MG Fellin, ...
Tectonics 33 (12), 2283-2314, 2014
Stability of the Upper Nile drainage network (Ethiopia) deduced from (U–Th)/He thermochronometry: implications for uplift and erosion of the Afar plume dome
R Pik, B Marty, J Carignan, J Lavé
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 215 (1-2), 73-88, 2003
Sources of in-situ 36Cl in basaltic rocks. Implications for calibration of production rates
I Schimmelpfennig, L Benedetti, R Finkel, R Pik, PH Blard, D Bourlès, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 4 (6), 441-461, 2009
Miocene to recent exhumation of the central Himalaya determined from combined detrital zircon fission‐track and U/Pb analysis of Siwalik sediments, western Nepal
M Bernet, P van der Beek, R Pik, P Huyghe, JL Mugnier, E Labrin, A Szulc
Basin Research 18 (4), 393-412, 2006
Source, genesis, and timing of giant ignimbrite deposits associated with Ethiopian continental flood basalts
D Ayalew, P Barbey, B Marty, L Reisberg, G Yirgu, R Pik
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (8), 1429-1448, 2002
Magnetostratigraphy and timing of the Oligocene Ethiopian traps
P Rochette, E Tamrat, G Féraud, R Pik, V Courtillot, E Ketefo, C Coulon, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 164 (3-4), 497-510, 1998
Timing of East African Rift development in southern Ethiopia: Implication for mantle plume activity and evolution of topography
R Pik, B Marty, J Carignan, G Yirgu, T Ayalew
Geology 36 (2), 167-170, 2008
Thermal imprint of rift-related processes in orogens as recorded in the Pyrenees
A Vacherat, F Mouthereau, R Pik, M Bernet, C Gautheron, E Masini, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 408, 296-306, 2014
Calibration of cosmogenic 36Cl production rates from Ca and K spallation in lava flows from Mt. Etna (38 N, Italy) and Payun Matru (36 S, Argentina)
I Schimmelpfennig, L Benedetti, V Garreta, R Pik, PH Blard, P Burnard, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (10), 2611-2632, 2011
Modes of rifting in magma‐rich settings: Tectono‐magmatic evolution of Central Afar
M Stab, N Bellahsen, R Pik, X Quidelleur, D Ayalew, S Leroy
Tectonics 35 (1), 2-38, 2016
Pre-existing oblique transfer zones and transfer/transform relationships in continental margins: New insights from the southeastern Gulf of Aden, Socotra Island, Yemen
N Bellahsen, S Leroy, J Autin, P Razin, E d'Acremont, H Sloan, R Pik, ...
Tectonophysics 607, 32-50, 2013
Incision rate of the Yellow River in Northeastern Tibet constrained by 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic isotope dating of fluvial terraces: implications for catchment evolution and …
A Perrineau, J Van Der Woerd, Y Gaudemer, J Liu-Zeng, R Pik, ...
Persistence of full glacial conditions in the central Pacific until 15,000 years ago
PH Blard, J Lavé, R Pik, P Wagnon, D Bourlès
Nature 449 (7162), 591-594, 2007
Rift‐to‐collision transition recorded by tectonothermal evolution of the northern Pyrenees
A Vacherat, F Mouthereau, R Pik, N Bellahsen, C Gautheron, M Bernet, ...
Tectonics 35 (4), 907-933, 2016
Production of 3He in crustal rocks by cosmogenic thermal neutrons
TJ Dunai, FM Stuart, R Pik, P Burnard, E Gayer
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258 (1-2), 228-236, 2007
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