David Bek
A circular capability framework to address food waste and losses in the agri-food supply chain: The antecedents, principles and outcomes of circular economy
N Kusumowardani, B Tjahjono, J Lazell, D Bek, N Theodorakopoulos, ...
Journal of Business Research 142, 17-31, 2022
The political economy of alternative trade: Social and environmental certification in the South African wine industry
C McEwan, D Bek
Journal of Rural Studies 25 (3), 255-266, 2009
Theorising middle class consumption from the global South: A study of everyday ethics in South Africa’s Western Cape
C McEwan, A Hughes, D Bek
Geoforum 67, 233-243, 2015
Ethical trading and socioeconomic transformation: critical reflections on the South African wine industry
D Bek, C McEwan, K Bek
Environment and Planning A 39 (2), 301-319, 2007
(Re) politicizing empowerment: Lessons from the South African wine industry
C McEwan, D Bek
Geoforum 37 (6), 1021-1034, 2006
‘Alternative foods’ and community-based development: Rooibos tea production in South Africa's West Coast Mountains
E Nel, T Binns, D Bek
Applied Geography 27 (2), 112-129, 2007
Placing ethical trade in context: WIETA and the South African wine industry
C McEwan, D Bek
Third World Quarterly 30 (4), 723-742, 2009
‘Catching the development train’: Perspectives on ‘top-down’and ‘bottom-up’development in post-apartheid South Africa
D Bek, T Binns, E Nel
Progress in development Studies 4 (1), 22-46, 2004
Multinationals in their communities: A social capital approach to corporate citizenship projects
IW Jones, MG Pollitt, D Bek, IW Jones, MG Pollitt, D Bek
Multinationals in their Communities: A Social Capital Approach to Corporate …, 2007
Mobilizing the ethical consumer in South Africa
A Hughes, C McEwan, D Bek
Geoforum 67, 148-157, 2015
Retailers, supply networks and changing articulations of ethicality: lessons from Flower Valley in South Africa
A Hughes, C McEwan, D Bek
Journal of Economic Geography 13 (2), 211-230, 2013
Misplaced expectations? The experience of applied local economic development in post-apartheid South Africa
E Nel, T Binns, D Bek
Local Economy 24 (3), 224-237, 2009
Jobs, water or conservation? Deconstructing the green economy in South Africa’s Working For Water Programme
D Bek, E Nel, T Binns
Environmental development 24, 136-145, 2017
Postcolonial perspectives on global production networks: insights from Flower Valley in South Africa
A Hughes, C McEwan, D Bek
Environment and planning A 47 (2), 249-266, 2015
Fairtrade, place and moral economy: Between abstract ethical discourse and the moral experience of Northern Cape farmers
C McEwan, A Hughes, D Bek
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 49 (3), 572-591, 2017
Wild flower harvesting on South Africa's agulhas plain: a mechanism for achieving sustainable local economic development?
D Bek, T Binns, E Nel
Sustainable Development 21 (5), 281-293, 2013
Sidestepping the mainstream: Fairtrade rooibos tea production in Wupperthal South Africa
D Bek, T Binns, E Nel, B Ellison
Alternative food geographies: Representation and practice, 331-349, 2007
Evaluation of spatial development initiatives: case studies of the Maputo Development Corridor and the West Coast Investment Initiative
D Bek, I Taylor
A high road to sustainability? Wildflower harvesting, ethical trade and social upgrading in South Africa's Western Cape
D Bek, T Binns, T Blokker, C McEwan, A Hughes
Journal of Agrarian Change 17 (3), 459-479, 2017
Creating an enduring developmental legacy from FIFA2010: The Football Foundation of South Africa (FFSA)
D Bek, A Merendino, K Swart, J Timms
European sport management quarterly 19 (4), 437-455, 2019
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