Alexandra S. Pires
Alexandra S. Pires
Потвърден имейл адрес: ufrrj.br
Seed survival and dispersal of an endemic Atlantic forest palm: the combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation
M Galetti, CI Donatti, AS Pires, PR Guimarães Jr, P Jordano
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 151 (1), 141-149, 2006
Frequency of movements of small mammals among Atlantic Coastal Forest fragments in Brazil
AS Pires, PK Lira, FAS Fernandez, GM Schittini, LC Oliveira
Biological Conservation 108 (2), 229-237, 2002
Use of space by the marsupial Micoureus demerarae in small Atlantic Forest fragments in south-eastern Brazil
ADS Pires, FADS Fernandez
Journal of Tropical Ecology 15 (3), 279-290, 1999
Vivendo em um mundo em pedaços: efeitos da fragmentação florestal sobre comunidades e populações animais
AS Pires, FAS Fernandez, CS Barros
Biologia da Conservação: Essências. São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, 231-260, 2006
Mamíferos e palmeiras neotropicais: interações em paisagens fragmentadas
CS Andreazzi, A Pires, FAS Fernandez
Oecologia brasiliensis 13 (4), 554-574, 2009
Reversing defaunation by trophic rewilding in empty forests
M Galetti, AS Pires, PHS Brancalion, FAS Fernandez
Biotropica 49 (1), 5-8, 2017
Rewilding the Atlantic Forest: Restoring the fauna and ecological interactions of a protected area
FAS Fernandez, ML Rheingantz, L Genes, CF Kenup, M Galliez, ...
Perspectives in ecology and conservation 15 (4), 308-314, 2017
Effects of howler monkey reintroduction on ecological interactions and processes
L Genes, FAS Fernandez, FZ Vaz‐de‐Mello, P da Rosa, E Fernandez, ...
Conservation Biology 33 (1), 88-98, 2019
Agouti reintroduction recovers seed dispersal of a large‐seeded tropical tree
P Mittelman, C Kreischer, AS Pires, FAS Fernandez
Biotropica 52 (4), 766-774, 2020
Short-Term Success in the Reintroduction of the Red-Humped Agouti Dasyprocta Leporina, an Important Seed Disperser, in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest Reserve
B Cid, L Figueira, AF de T. e Mello, AS Pires, FAS Fernandez
Tropical Conservation Science 7 (4), 796-810, 2014
Who let the dogs out? Occurrence, population size and daily activity of domestic dogs in an urban Atlantic Forest reserve
KVK de Andrade Silva, CF Kenup, C Kreischer, FAS Fernandez, AS Pires
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 16 (4), 228-233, 2018
MV Vieira, DM de Faria, FA dos Santos Fernandez, SF Ferrari, SR Freitas, ...
Neotropical alien mammals: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics
CA Rosa, BR Ribeiro, V Bejarano, FH Puertas, A Bocchiglieri, ...
Ecology 101 (11), e03115, 2020
Increased productivity and reduced seed predation favor a large‐seeded palm in small Atlantic forest fragments
CS Andreazzi, CS Pimenta, AS Pires, FAS Fernandez, ...
Biotropica 44 (2), 237-245, 2012
El papel de Cerradomys subflavus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) como depredador y dispersor de semillas de la palma Allagoptera arenaria
V Grenha, MV Macedo, AS Pires, RF Monteiro
Mastozoología neotropical 17 (1), 61-68, 2010
Patterns of space use by Micoureus demerarae (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) in a fragment of Atlantic forest in Brazil
AS Pires, FAS Fernandez, D Freitas
Mastozoologia Neotropical 6, 39-45, 1999
The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum
AS Pires, M Galetti
Mastozoología neotropical 19 (1), 147-153, 2012
Invertebrate seed predators are not all the same: seed predation by bruchine and scolytine beetles affects palm recruitment in different ways
CM Dracxler, AS Pires, FAS Fernandez
Biotropica 43 (1), 8-11, 2011
Sowing forests: a synthesis of seed dispersal and predation by agoutis and their influence on plant communities
P Mittelman, CM Dracxler, PRO Santos‐Coutinho, AS Pires
Biological Reviews 96 (6), 2425-2445, 2021
Influence of edge and fire-induced changes on spatial distribution of small mammals in Brazilian Atlantic Forest fragments
AS Pires, FAS Fernandez, D de Freitas, BR Feliciano
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 40 (1), 7-14, 2005
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