Kyung Min Lee
Kyung Min Lee
Потвърден имейл адрес: princeton.edu
Efficient perovskite light-emitting diodes featuring nanometre-sized crystallites
Z Xiao, RA Kerner, L Zhao, NL Tran, KM Lee, TW Koh, GD Scholes, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (2), 108-115, 2017
Improved outcoupling efficiency and stability of perovskite light‐emitting diodes using thin emitting layers
L Zhao, KM Lee, K Roh, SUZ Khan, BP Rand
Advanced Materials 31 (2), 1805836, 2019
Redox chemistry dominates the degradation and decomposition of metal halide perovskite optoelectronic devices
L Zhao, RA Kerner, Z Xiao, YHL Lin, KM Lee, J Schwartz, BP Rand
ACS Energy Letters 1 (3), 595-602, 2016
Beating the thermodynamic limit with photo-activation of n-doping in organic semiconductors
X Lin, B Wegner, KM Lee, MA Fusella, F Zhang, K Moudgil, BP Rand, ...
Nature Materials 16 (12), 1209-1215, 2017
Electrical Stress Influences the Efficiency of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Light Emitting Devices
L Zhao, J Gao, YHL Lin, YW Yeh, KM Lee, N Yao, YL Loo, BP Rand
Advanced Materials 29 (24), 1605317, 2017
Enhanced outcoupling in organic light-emitting diodes via a high-index contrast scattering layer
TW Koh, JA Spechler, KM Lee, CB Arnold, BP Rand
ACS photonics 2 (9), 1366-1372, 2015
Influence of Bulky Organo‐Ammonium Halide Additive Choice on the Flexibility and Efficiency of Perovskite Light‐Emitting Devices
L Zhao, N Rolston, KM Lee, X Zhao, MA Reyes‐Martinez, NL Tran, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (31), 1802060, 2018
Enhanced outcoupling in flexible organic light-emitting diodes on scattering polyimide substrates
KM Lee, R Fardel, L Zhao, CB Arnold, BP Rand
Organic electronics 51, 471-476, 2017
Phototriggered depolymerization of flexible poly (phthalaldehyde) substrates by integrated organic light-emitting diodes
KM Lee, O Phillips, A Engler, PA Kohl, BP Rand
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (33), 28062-28068, 2018
Erratum: Corrigendum: Beating the thermodynamic limit with photo-activation of n-doping in organic semiconductors.
X Lin, B Wegner, KM Lee, MA Fusella, F Zhang, K Moudgil, BP Rand, ...
Nature materials 17 (2), 204-204, 2018
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